You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6751

He put away his cell phone and saw Ye Xingbei pick up her cell phone.

He walked over and grabbed Ye Xingbei's hand: "just after giving birth to a child, you can't look at your cell phone and hurt your eyes."

Ye Xingbei said, "I don't want to see it. I'll call my brothers and grandpa and give them a good news."

Gu Junzhu said, "I'll fight."

Ye Xingbei: "... OK."

She put her cell phone down.

Gu Junzhu successively called Xie Yunlin, Xie Jinfei, ye Xinglan, ye Xingli and old man Xie.

Su ran, who originally wanted to leave, couldn't help but be excited when she heard Gu Jun calling Xie Jinfei one by one... Xie Jinfei knew that his sister and son were safe, and was likely to come to the hospital to see his sister and nephew?

If she stays a little longer, will she meet Xie Jinfei?

But she was embarrassed to stay in the room. After saying goodbye to Ye Xingbei, she waited outside the corridor.

After waiting for more than an hour, sure enough, she saw Xie Jinfei.

She dared not let Xie Jinfei see her, hid around the corner, pretended to call, and watched Xie Jinfei passing by not far from her.

The heartbeat is very strong, which has never been felt before.

She suddenly remembered a small video she had seen before.

In the video, Xiaohe asked, "master, what is wishful thinking?"

The master said, "you will be hit by one of his words, fall inexplicably because of his smile, and imagine all the coincidences of meeting him in your mind, but as far as he is concerned, you are just a stiff faced passer-by."

The little monk said, "ah? Is there such a fool?"

The master said, "everyone is so stupid. It's just that the love word is too hurt. No one is spared."

She thought silently that she was the one who "fell inexplicably for a smile and would imagine all the coincidences with him in her mind, but as far as he was concerned, you were just a stiff faced passer-by".

But it tastes good.

Heart pounding, nervous, excited, full of energy, like finding a goal in life.

Moreover, a lot of inspiration welled up in her mind. She urgently wanted to write something!

After Xie Jinfei's back completely disappeared, she smiled and ran to the elevator like taking hormones.

She didn't know what she was excited about. Anyway, she was excited, nervous and nervous. She was very excited.

When she got home, she found something wrong as soon as she entered the door.

In broad daylight, during working hours, her father, Su Qi and her grandfather were all at home.

When she walked into the living room, she looked again. She found a palm print on her father's face, her brother's nose and face were black and blue, and her grandfather's face was black and angry.

She said hello to her grandfather, walked carefully to her mother and whispered, "Mom, what's the matter?"

Her father and Sue seem to have been beaten.

Guan Yue smiled, "deserved it!"

Su Yuanzhi's face was ugly. He looked at her and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.

Guan Yue was right. He really deserved it.

No one hurt him. He asked for it.

He didn't deserve it?

Su ran was curious: "Mom, what's the matter?"

Her father is a male chauvinist and loves to dress. He rarely looks so speechless.

Guan Yue sneered, "Xia Yan married you uncle Hu."

Su ran: "... What?"

Guan yueleng hum, "don't doubt your ears. You heard right. She married your uncle Hu. They got the certificate and said that a wedding would be held next month. Let your grandfather and your father attend!", the fastest update of the webnovel!