You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 674

"Yes..." Chi Yu's face was pale, and he said in a trance: "Xiaozhan and I have lunch in the company at noon, and we have dinner parties at many times in the evening. We only eat breakfast at home, and occasionally go on business. We don't go home for ten and a half days, and we can't eat breakfast at home."

Yue ya'er nodded: "because of this, you just escaped a disaster. Otherwise, even now I know you are injured by something, I can't save you."

Chi Yu gritted her teeth and said to Gu Junzhu, "brother Wu, Xiaozhan and Qingqing, please take them in tonight. I'll go back to make arrangements in the evening. My wife and I will send my parents over tomorrow. Please take our family in for a while."

There is no way to live in that house for the time being.

There's nothing worse than a ghost.

Especially the insider, the family they trust.

The knife stabbed by relatives is always deeper and more painful than the enemy.

Chi Zhen

If all this is really done by Chi Zhen, he vowed that he would cut Chi Zhen to pieces and let him die!

Arrange Chi Zhan and Chi Qing, and Chi Yu leaves.

Ye Xingbei personally arranges for Chi Zhan and Chi Qing, and arranges the servants.

Looking at Chi Zhan and Chi Qing back to their respective rooms, they all follow the servants, and ye Xingbei returns to the living room.

Gu Junzhu pulled her to sit on her lap and buried her head in her neck. He was just about to complain that their house was about to become an inn. Qiao Zui pushed the door in. "Little uncle, little aunt, we're back."

Mr. Gu Wu ha-ha.

Ye Xingbei quickly stood up from Gu Jun's legs, covered his hair and said hello to Qiao Zui with a red face: "Xiao Qiao, are you back? I've arranged your friend's room. "

Joe pretends to see nothing Against the chilly eyes of his uncle, he only dared to pretend that he saw nothing.

He coughed, stepped aside, opened the door wider, and let the three people behind him enter the room.

Fang Yao naturally does not need to introduce, Qiao Zui introduces Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei to the two beautiful girls around him, "little uncle and little aunt, introduce them."

He pointed to the girl standing beside him: "her name is misheng. Two years ago, she was a freshman in military training, and I was her instructor. I didn't expect to see her again in Y country today!"

He looked at Ye Xingbei, blinked his beautiful peach blossom eyes, eyes bright as in the light: "little aunt, do you think I have a special affinity with her?"

Ye Xingbei understood.

This little girl named misheng must be the one in Joe's dream.

So, when Joe was drunk and became an instructor for other girls, he fell in love with them?

Ye Xingbei has also participated in military training, and knows that the requirements for instructors are particularly strict, especially in terms of personal feelings. He is never allowed to have any emotional disputes with students during military training. Violators will be dealt with severely.

Ye Xingbei guesses that Qiao Zui should have fallen in love with other people's little girls at that time. However, he is not afraid to commit crimes against the wind, so he forces himself to put down his mind.

Now he retired because of his injury. In a foreign country, when he saw other people's little girls, his excited eyes were full of thieves.

Another girl, standing beside misheng, said with a smile, "drillmaster, you are too generous! You've been my instructor, too. Why do you only say you're predestined with Xiaomi instead of me? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!