You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6748

"I don't want to sleep," said Ye Xingbei. "I want to see the children."

"I'll ask right away." Gu Jun dialed Yue ya'er's mobile phone number one by one.

Yue ya'er said, "I've finished taking a bath. Go back right away."

After Gu Junzhu hung up his cell phone, he advised Ye Xingbei to close his eyes and take a nap for a moment.

As soon as the door rang, ye Xingbei woke up immediately.

She misses the children and can't sleep well.

Yue Yaer and Cheng Fengsu came in from the door with a baby in their arms.

The newborn baby wears nothing. It's soft and slippery. They don't dare to hold it.

Now, the two babies are wrapped in small blankets. They dare to hold one by one, like holding peerless treasures, and walk back carefully all the way.

Ye Xingbei watched them walk in with the children in their arms. His eyes immediately lit up and stared at the children in their arms.

When Yue ya'er and Cheng Fengsu put the children in bed, she stared at their little faces. She didn't look enough for a long time before she knew it and said, "eh? It's really two sons..."

Gu Junzhu: "

It should be said that there are two more sons.

When his younger brother was born, the nurse held him and showed him. Congratulations. When he got two young CHILDES, he had only one thought in his mind - finally born!

It's nice that mother and son are safe!

Until now, ye Xingbei lamented that when they had two more sons, he didn't know later and felt a little lost.


Two more sons

Where's his little girl?

What about their little princess?


He wiped his face and decided to find some comfort from his father.

Taking advantage of Cheng Fengsu's conversation with Yue Yaer and ye Xingbei, he went to the compartment and dialed his father's mobile phone: "Dad, Beibei was born, mother and son are safe."

"Really?" Gu's voice was eight degrees higher than usual. "Mother and son are safe? Have you added two big grandchildren to me?"

Gu Junzhu: "... Yes."

He estimated that his father would be happy at the end of the day. He had two more sons, Qiao Zui and ah Jue. He also hoped that he and ye Xingbei could give them a beautiful little cousin.

There are too many boys at home. They are all green leaves, not even a flower.

The one in misheng's stomach was also found out. It was still a boy.

Why is it so difficult for them to have a little princess?

it's too hard!

"Good!" Mr. Gu laughed. "Oh, I have five grandchildren! How can my son be so capable? How can my daughter-in-law have such a baby! My son is powerful. He is better than others in everything he does. He is better than others in marrying a wife. The wife he marries is the best!"

Gu Junzhu: "

His father is so realistic!

He was wronged: "Dad, don't you think it's good to have a granddaughter?"

"You want to have a granddaughter again," said Gu in a cheerful voice. "You and Beibei are still so young. How many people of your age do you have, men and women? You give Beibei good health. When Beibei's health is well maintained, you will have another child. If you have another child, you must be a daughter!"

Gu Junzhu: "

Why does he think his father just fooled him into having another baby?

As for whether the next child is a son or a daughter, his father certainly doesn't care.

Whether he is a son or a daughter, in short, it's OK to take care of the prosperity of the family.

Granddaughter also likes it. It would be better if she were a grandson.

The old man doesn't want too many grandchildren!, the fastest update of the webnovel!