You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6740

After a long time, he said, "Mom, I know I'm wrong... Although I don't like Ran Ran, she's my sister anyway. I really didn't mean to leave her in the forest today. I don't know her leg was hurt. She will follow me in the future..."

"But she didn't follow up," Guan Yue said. "You found that she didn't follow up. Did you find her?"

Su Qi was speechless.

After a long time, he bowed his head and said, "it's my fault. I'm too selfish and narrow. I know I'm wrong. In the future, I'll try to change..."

He pursed his lips, "I just don't know if Ran Ran is willing to forgive me..."

Guan Yue pinched her eyebrows with a headache, "you are my own son and Ran Ran is my own daughter. As a mother, I am the person in the world who most hope you can support each other and have deep feelings, just like young master Xie and young lady Gu..."

Her eyes showed envy. "Their brothers and sisters have a good relationship!"

Su Qi murmured, "yes."

He is also very envious.

But his envy is different.

There are two brothers and sisters, one is Xie Lao's grandson and the other is Gu Lao's daughter-in-law. The strength of the two brothers and sisters is combined and strong enough to walk horizontally in the capital. Few people dare to provoke.

If the Su family has such family background and strength, he can be neither humble nor arrogant and proud of the world no matter what kind of people he meets.

If his sister can really marry into a rich family like the Xie family, he is willing to make friends with his sister.

But at that time, I don't know whether his sister is willing to accept him?

Should... Yes?

After all, the higher you marry into a rich family, the more you need strong parental support.

What the Su family lacks is fame, inside information and contacts. Compared with money and property, the Su family is not much worse than the top giants.

Guan Yue looked at him for a long time and sighed: "it's also my fault. I should have talked to you long ago."

It's her fault.

She always thought that her son didn't like her daughter. It was the discord between brother and sister.

When people talk about fate, even if they are brothers and sisters, they may have discord in their aura, don't cast eyes on each other, and don't like each other.

She thought that she was unlucky. Her son and daughter happened to have no eyes.

She never dreamed that her son didn't like her daughter because he thought her daughter was redundant and stole half of his love and even property.

Why is her son Guan Yue so narrow-minded?

It's incredible.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

She found it too late. Her daughter had been broken by her son. For a while, her daughter was afraid that she would not accept her son again.

She unconsciously sighed again and patted her son on the shoulder. "Forget it, let's talk about it today. You'll be better to Ranran in the future. No matter how Ranran treats you, don't blame her."

"You broke her heart first. Think for yourself. Just before today, how good Ran Ran was to you?"

"Even if she can't marry into a rich family more prosperous than the Su family in the future, she is now a cash cow and has the contacts of your grandfather and grandmother. Over time, she will be a giant in the literary world. Will her future be bad?"

As she said this, she waved her hand: "I'm so angry with you. I'm utilitarian again! Not to mention those, your sister is beautiful, smart and lovely. As a man, if you have such a lovely and sensible sister, don't you have a sense of happiness?"

"Touch your conscience and think, is your sister bad to you?"

"In this world, besides me and your father, who will treat you like your sister regardless of gain or loss and for no reason?", the fastest update of the webnovel!