You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6741

Su Qi didn't speak, but many thoughts flashed through his mind.

There are many people who please him!

More women than his sister are trying to please him.

Probably because there were too many people who liked and flattered him, he didn't take his sister's liking and flattering him seriously.

But sink down and think about it carefully. Those women's liking and flattering him is different from his sister's liking and flattering him.

Those women like him and please him because they want to get into his eyes, get his appreciation and marry into a rich family.

His sister is Miss Su. Her sister likes him and flatters him. As his mother said, she simply values the feelings between their brothers and sisters without any utilitarian purpose.

Still, as his mother said, this feeling is very pure.

Unfortunately, he never thought about this before.

Such precious feelings, neglected by him, feel very annoying and a burden.

He's so stupid.

Now, he knows he's wrong.

Later, he will try to be better to his sister.

I wonder if his sister will forgive him.

The next day, Guan Yue talked to Su ran again.

She confidently talked to her daughter and told Su ran that Su Qi regretted and promised to be good to her in the future. She hoped that Su ran would give Su Qi another chance.

For Su Qi or Su ran, it's not a big deal to have a bad relationship with his brother or sister.

They will have their own wives or husbands, children, brothers or sisters, which is not an indispensable role in their life.

But as a mother, if her children have a bad relationship, it will be her lifelong regret.

Therefore, she hopes that the relationship between her children can be eased.

She would be grateful if she could be as affectionate as the young master of the Xie family and the young lady of the Gu family.

However, her daughter usually looks very talkative, but she is particularly stubborn in this matter.

Her daughter said that she used to think that Su Qi was su Feiyang in her pen, but now she knows that Su Qi is not.

Now, she has found Su Feiyang in her life.

Her heart is small and her feelings are limited. She wants to focus more on her favorite Su Feiyang.

As for Su Qi... It's hard to recover.

Su Qi has broken her heart. For the face of her parents, it's her last tolerance not to offend the river with Su Qi's well water.

Guan Yue is helpless.

Even if her children are born to her, she can't control their lives.

She hopes they can be happy and take a stable and down-to-earth road along the life she has arranged for them.

But the children have their own ideas. She can't force them, not her string puppet.

Although it's a pity, we can only let it go.

Su Ran's wound on his ankle has been cured for more than ten days.

In these ten days, she carefully prepared gifts for the family's children and ye Xingbei.

She is a very patient person. She will hold 120000 enthusiasm for the people she likes.

She likes the family's children and ye Xingbei. Fortunately, the family's children saved her and she could be safe in the forest that day.

Some time ago, there was a news on the Internet that a girl died when she traveled to a remote and uninhabited place. After her death, her body was eaten by animals.

After reading the news, she was very afraid.

The girl who went traveling alone didn't get hurt and ended up like that. That day, she was injured and inconvenient to move. When she met wild animals, she had only one way to die., the fastest update of the webnovel!