You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6739

Su Qi was silent.

Can he?

He can't.

The Su family is rich. In terms of financial resources, they are comparable to the first-class aristocratic family in Beijing.

However, the Su family has no inside information. In terms of comprehensive strength, the Su family is not even a lowly aristocratic family.

After his father married his mother, the Su family managed to join the family.

It was because he was the grandson of the Su family that he would not be called the son of a rich man behind his back. Only then did the young master of a noble family agree to associate with him.

What about Gu and Xie?

Gu family and Xie family are the top giants in the capital. He can't exist on tiptoe.

The young master of the Xie family became his brother-in-law?

He never dared to think about it.

"Mom, I think you think too much," Su Qi said. "How can the young master of the Xie family marry us?"

"Why is it impossible? Gaomen marries a daughter and bows her head to marry a daughter-in-law. Haven't you heard of it?" Guan Yue said. "Moreover, I didn't say that your sister will definitely marry the second son of the Xie family. I'm just making an analogy. According to your sister's appearance, talent and temperament, the people who will marry in the future will certainly be no worse."

"She is your own sister. She married well. You have a good relationship with your sister and the two families are close. Isn't it the most reliable help?"

"You always think that your mother gave you a sister, divided away your love, and even divided away your property, but have you ever thought that you have a sister, and in the future, your sister will marry into another family, you will have more help from the family."

"The help your sister can give you in your career, the promotion of your status, contacts and wealth is far from the part of property your sister takes away, and the love your sister gives you is enough to make up for the part of love your father and I give your sister!"

Su Qi was silent.

He... Didn't think so much.

He never thought that Su Ran's marriage to another family would bring him anything.

He felt that he was not rare.

He has confidence in his ability. He can carry forward the Su group without the help of others, especially Su ran.

But... If his sister can marry into a family like the Xie family, he is still very rare.

People go up high.

A higher social circle represents a higher identity.

If there were no opportunities and contacts in the social circle like young master Xie, he could not integrate into it all his life.

If the young master of the Xie family is his brother-in-law... This idea makes his mind float.

"Ah Qi, what I said just now may be utilitarian," Guan Yue said. "The reason why I say it from the perspective of utilitarianism is that there is a hypothetical premise. I mean, if you think your father and I have given birth to a sister and separated half of your love and half of your property, you don't have to!"

"She is a relative connected with your blood. If you treat her well, she will give you selfless family affection all your life. After a hundred years, apart from your wife and children, she is the closest person in the world. Isn't it precious?"

Sue opened her mouth and couldn't make a sound.

Isn't it precious?

It's precious to be fucking said.


Maybe he used to drill a horn?

It's like the psychological shadow of childhood.

He didn't like Su ran since he was a child. This habit continues to this day, and he doesn't like it until now.

However, as his mother said, the existence of Su ran may indeed have more advantages than disadvantages for him., the fastest update of the webnovel!