You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 673

What's going on?

It's clear that he wants to send Yue ya'er away. He and ye Xiaobei go through the world of two people. Why doesn't Yue ya'er send off, but the late family are going to live in???

Gu five Ye rare not calm, hand stretch to leaf Star North after death, lightly pinched on her waist.

Ye Xingbei grabs his hand and stares at him.

Her eyes are round, and her eyes are reflected by the crystal lamp into an attractive color of glass. It's watery, and people can't help but want to bully her and cry. Let her hug his neck and beg him. Her voice is itching to people's bones.

Mr. Gu was even more restless.

The Chi family is coming in.

Joe is drunk. That stinky boy is coming back with his girlfriend.

Is there any way to live this life?

Forget it.

Things here will soon be over. When Chi Qing gets well, he will take ye Xiaobei home.

Although lavender is still open very beautiful, can no longer be spent after the wrong field, but also to see how it works?

Yue ya'er's time estimate is very accurate. He said that he would come back in half an hour on time.

After greeting everyone, she sat down beside Ye Xingbei, looked at Chi Yu and Chi Zhan, and said, "the test results have come out. What you have is not poison, but a plant extract called gossypol, which can damage your spermatogenic epithelium, affect your fertility, and is irreversible In short, the people who hurt you don't want your lives, but want you to have no children. "

Chi Yu's ear suddenly "buzz".

He and his wife duanmuying were childhood sweethearts, and they had a deep relationship.

They've been married for more than three years and want to have a child, but his wife hasn't been pregnant.

To this end, his wife also made a special inspection.

The result of the examination said that her wife's uterus was posterior and it was not easy to get pregnant, so her wife was unhappy for a long time.

He has checked the information and found that the pregnancy rate in the posterior position of the uterus is relatively low, which is not that he can't get pregnant. However, in the past three years, he and his wife have been living in harmony, but his wife has never been pregnant.

Is it not because of his wife, but because of him?

Families like the Chi family are very concerned about children.

Although he comforted his wife that it was ok, they were still young, and there would be plenty of opportunities in the future, but he was worried.

Just now Yue ya'er said that this kind of damage can't be reversed

His heart pounded and his face turned red. "Dr. Yue, my brother and I are now..."

"Fortunately, the time you take gossypol has not reached the point of irreversibility," Yue ya'er said. "As long as you stop using that kind of thing in the future, then I will give you some drugs that can promote the recovery of your spermatogenic epithelium. After a period of time, you can all return to normal."

After a pause, she said: "gossypol seems very strange. In fact, it is extracted from cottonseed. It is not a poison, but a plant. But the side effect of this plant is to affect spermatogenesis and kill spermatozoa."

"But this kind of thing must be taken for a long time to be effective. It's useless to take it once or twice. From the test results, you two should have taken gossypol for more than three years."

"Fortunately, I guess you two should not be fixed in the same place to eat, so the concentration of gossypol in your blood has not reached the highest point, and there is something to save. If the time is longer, your spermatogenic cells will be completely killed, and you will lose your right to be a father in your life." , the fastest update of the webnovel!