You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 672

If you can take Yue ya'er home and let her accompany her every day, it's best.

Chi Zhan hesitated, "will this harm Dr. Yue? Other people want to harm us, but Dr. Yue saves us. What if the people who harm us get angry and become angry and are not good for Dr. Yue? "

“……” Gu Wuye sighed in his heart, who really loved.

He and Chi Yu are smart people, but they don't think about it at all.

Chi Zhan is a fool, but he thinks more about it than anyone else.

The power of love is really great.

"Yes, I think ah Zhan is right." Ye Xingbei agreed.

"Well," she thought quickly. Looking at Chi Yu and Chi Zhan, she said, "you can stay with Qingqing. There are plenty of rooms in the manor. You can live anywhere. It's safer here."

Think of Yue ya'er's medical skills and the safety here, Chi Yu is a little moved.

He thought for a moment, "my parents are not in good health. They can't leave people around, so let Qingqing and Xiaozhan stay."

Ye Xingbei said quickly: "OK, if you want to, you can ask your parents to live together. Don't you say your parents are not in good health? They just moved here together and asked ya'er to help them recuperate. They can also have a look at the scenery in the manor. Now the lavender is just in time and the scenery is very beautiful. They can change their mood when they change places. "

Chi Yu Chi Yu expresses his shameful move.

I really want to move my family here!

But it's too shameless, isn't it?

Ye Xingbei continued to lobby: "it doesn't matter. If Chi Zhen is really the murderer, isn't it very dangerous for your family to live with him? It happened that they all moved to our house. It's safer here. "

"As for other things, you don't have to worry about it. Gu Jun and I came here for a visit, just for a temporary stay. It's not our home. We'll take it as a hotel. There are so many people and it's busy."

"Moreover, there are many houses in the manor. If you find it inconvenient to live with us, your family can live in the back yard, which is very close to the lavender field. Open the back window and you can see the lavender field. It's very beautiful. I'm sure your uncles and aunts will enjoy it."

To be honest, as a native of Y country, lavender fields are not new for a long time.

There are also large fields of lavender near their home.

But ye Xingbei's words still have a deep temptation to Chi Yu.

After thinking about Yue ya'er's medical skills, Chi Yu, worried about his sister, his father, who has been ill for a long time, and his mother, who is getting weaker and weaker, bites her teeth.

If you don't want to be shameless, you don't want to be shameful. Ye Xingbei's proposal is too attractive.

As long as parents and sisters can keep good health, what is the face?

He is willing to serve as a pawn for Mr. Gu in the future to repay today's kindness.

After making up his mind, he nodded: "brother five, sister-in-law, I'll have the cheek to pick up my parents tomorrow. Doctor Yue helps my parents to take care of their bodies. We owe too much to brother five and sister-in-law. I won't say thank you. If brother five and sister-in-law can be used in the late family in the future, the late family will be in hot water !”

Gu Junzhu It's OK. I said it's a friend. Don't be so polite. "

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