You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6721

Her second brother and Si duomian have been divorced for some time. Si duomian always... Harassing is not appropriate. Anyway, she always goes to her second brother and tries to remarry.

Her eldest brother is very angry about this. He wants to take her second brother's ear and give orders repeatedly. For fear that her second brother is soft hearted, he agrees to remarry with Si duomian and jump into the fire pit of Si's house again.

Her eldest brother also told her several times that if he met the right one, he would introduce him to her second brother.

But she doesn't know many people. The unmarried people around are Xin Sydney. Obviously, her second brother and sisters don't call, otherwise she doesn't have to worry about it.

There's nothing else.

Her eldest brother asked her second brother to go on a blind date, but her second brother didn't go. It's not good to go on a blind date soon after the divorce.

She felt that her second brother's words were not unreasonable, but she thought that her second brother's words were just excuses.

She has a feeling that her second brother is afraid of getting married.

I don't want to get married again.

What's this?

Her second brother can remarry later, but he can't help getting married!

Gu Junzhu comforted her. Don't worry. Her second brother certainly won't be single, but fate hasn't come yet.

It's fate. Maybe I know you today, get engaged tomorrow, and get the license the day after tomorrow.

Don't worry about her.

When I met Su ran, she didn't think much.

But now, seeing that Su ran was obviously interested in her second brother, she was moved.

The children saved Su ran. Her second brother happened to send her litchi. Su ran met her second brother by chance. Su ran also said that her second brother was like her hero.

What does that mean?

It shows that there is fate between Su ran and her second brother!

Neither she nor her eldest brother wanted to force his second brother to go on a blind date.

Her second brother is not too old. It's normal that he hasn't married yet. He won't rush for marriage.

But it's one thing not to force. When fate comes, it's another thing.

Fate has come to the door, you must seize it!

Both of them were human spirits and didn't say anything, but they only listened to their tone of voice and exchanged their eyes. They both knew that they were in favor of Xie Jinfei's communication with Su ran.

Guan Yue is very happy, and ye Xingbei is also very happy.

Their attitude towards each other became warm again.

Sue is going to vomit blood.

Aren't you leaving?

Why did you say that again?

His anxious heart was like a fire, and suddenly he thought of a joke: women are really annoying! I just said to go. I have to wait a long time!

This is his mother. He can't help it. If it were his daughter, he would have kicked it!

When the whole person he was waiting for was about to explode, the two sides finally finished talking.

His mother took his sister to the car. He was soft and sweaty.

Guan Yue said to her daughter with concern, "let's go to the hospital first to see your injury. If we're all right, we'll go home."

"Yes, go to the hospital first," Su Qi said. "Yan Yan is still in the hospital. Pick up Yan Yan and go back together."

Su ran looked at him and said to Guan Yue, "Mom, I can't live with Xia Yan anymore. Either she or I move away. Also, don't let her take a car with me. It's not good to follow me. I don't want to see her."

Su Qi frowned: "Ran Ran Ran, what are you talking about? Yan Yan is a member of our family. If you don't let her go home, where do you let her go?"

"I didn't let her go back," Su ran looked at him and said, "I said very clearly. Either she or I go. If my parents want her to stay, I can move. I can buy my own house with the money to sell copyright, and I can move away at any time!", the fastest update of the webnovel!