You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6720

Such an excellent man is hard to find.

If her daughter is destined for him, it's the best thing.

Of course, when she gets back, she has to inquire about the family and see how the wind rating is.

After all, people know their faces but not their hearts.

In particular, we must not be careless in finding our daughter's mother-in-law. We must check it clearly and thoroughly.

In an instant, many thoughts had turned in her mind, but her face was not exposed. She smiled warmly and said to Ye Xingbei, "this is specially sent to you by your brother. How can we accept it? You are pregnant with children and eating more fruit is good for your health. Moreover, there are so many children in your family. Children are greedy."

There are so many children in this family. She seems to have a son and an apprentice.

But both sons and disciples are beautiful and aura.

When she came to the family's camp, she almost had the feeling of entering Xianshan by mistake.

The male host is as handsome as a relegated fairy, and the female host is ethereal and beautiful. If she is not pregnant with children, the beauty will make people mistakenly think that she is a fairy who has entered the world by mistake.

Several children are beautiful, lovely and have aura, like little fairies who have absorbed the aura of heaven and earth.

This family is so beautiful.

If she could become an in laws with the family, she would be afraid that she could not help but always gather around the family for no other reason than to look at the children.

She even thought that when she became familiar with these children in the future, she would take these children to go shopping together. She was afraid that she would be envied by her friends!

... okay.

Think too far.

Thousands of words, summed up in one sentence, as long as the hostess's brother has good character, she will find a way to match up her daughter and the hostess's brother.

Good men can't be met. When they meet, they must seize the opportunity. If they miss it because of too many concerns or other reasons, there will be no shop after passing this village.

And regret it!

Thinking like this, she smiled at Ye Xingbei more affectionate and enthusiastic.

Ye Xingbei also noticed Su Ran's thoughts and returned similar enthusiasm. "I ate too many litchi and got angry. I ate it with the children. These aunts ate it with Ran Ran Ran."

They are all girls. Su Ran's performance can be said to be very obvious. Ye Xingbei is not stupid. He soon understood Su Ran's feelings for her second brother.

She went through it in her mind and thought it was good.

Su Ran's appearance is definitely not selected. Her lips are red and her teeth are white, her skin is better than snow, her eyes are big and watery, and her chin is pointed. She is a classic beauty, but she has the feeling of a comic girl. She is exquisite and lovely.

His temperament is very gentle. When telling stories to children, his voice is sweet and soft, which sounds like gurgling water.

He is soft, but not boring. When telling stories, he has a vivid expression, rich voice and emotion, and a good temper. He is very patient with the children. He can not only stand the noise of Qin Jun's night, but also live in Huo Zhongqi's 100000 whys.

In the past, she especially liked girls with gentle temperament, but after siduomian, she had a psychological shadow on girls who were too gentle.

Su ran was also very gentle and looked soft, but when she told the story, she was eloquent. When the children asked her questions, she answered cleanly and without hesitation.

It can be said that although she and stomian are both gentle girls, they are quite different.

Si duomian is gentle, but has no opinion.

And Su ran, she is more inclined to her character of being soft on the outside and hard on the inside., the fastest update of the webnovel!