You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6722

"Ranran, don't talk nonsense!" Guan Yue took her daughter into her arms. "Su's house is your house, not Xia Yan's house. She should go. We won't go anywhere!"

"Mom," Su frowned more tightly, "Yan Yan has no relatives. Where do you want Yan Yan to go?"

"Doesn't she have you?" Guan yueleng glanced at him: "don't you just move out with her and take care of her?"

Su choked and said helplessly, "Mom, don't say such angry words. How can Yan and I live alone?"

"Why not?" Guan Yue looked at him with an eyebrow. "Don't you like her and want to marry her? Wen Chang has proposed to break up with you. You have no girlfriend now. You happen to be with Xia Yan and get married. You are an adult. You move out with Xia Yan, and ran ran and I are clean."

"Mom, where do you start?" Su Qi blushed angrily. "I regard Yan Yan as my sister. I have no feelings for Yan Yan."

"Do you believe that?" Guan Yue looked at him coldly, "Su Qi, you are my son. I know what you think. You like Wen Chang's family background, but you don't like Wen Chang's character. You like Xia Yan's character, but you don't like Xia Yan's family background. Therefore, while you are in love with Wen Chang, you are entangled with Xia Yan. I have reminded you many times that you and Xia Yan are not related by blood. You and Xia Yan should keep a distance, but you always love each other Use you to take Xia Yan as your own sister as a shield! "

She shook her head: "Su Qi, you can't be too greedy and fool others. Wen Chang didn't break up with you in the past for Ran Ran's sake. At the same time, she didn't pay attention to Xia Yan. She didn't think she could stir up trouble, and you, who have a thief's heart and courage, wouldn't do too much. But today, you went too far. You touched Wen Chang's bottom line, so she asked you Break up! "

She sighed, "it's good to save you from eating in the bowl and looking in the pot. When you get married, you make a scandal with Xia Yan and offend Wen family. Your in laws can't do it, but you become an enemy. You like Xia Yan so much that you just marry her and live in peace."

Su Qi is one and the first two are big.

He never wanted to marry Xia Yan.

He really likes Xia Yan, but he doesn't like it, let alone the feeling that she doesn't marry.

His friends in the circle married wives and talked about girlfriends. They were all famous girls. Xia Yan was an orphan of humble origin, with no relatives and nothing.

How could he marry Xia Yan?

After marrying Xia Yan, how does he meet people in the circle?

Moreover, if a friend in the circle marries a famous family daughter, more in laws means more contacts and help.

Marry Xia Yan, nothing.

In the past, an equal person in a circle married Xia Yan. Later, he will be one head shorter than others.

He can't stand the grievance.

The most important thing is that he doesn't love Xia Yan. He has to marry Xia Yan as his wife.

Why did he marry a poor girl and give up a famous girl?

He felt that his mother not only didn't know him, but also didn't pay attention to his future and helped him make decisions.

His angry scalp was numb, "Mom, I don't like Xia Yan, and I won't marry her! I like Wen Chang, and the wife I want to marry is Wen Chang!"

Guan Yue frowned: "don't you think what you say is different from what you do? You say you like Wen Chang, but you take Xia Yan on an outing. You leave your sister behind for Xia Yan. You do things so absolutely. Who believes you say you don't like Xia Yan? If Wen Chang doesn't believe it, I don't believe it!", the fastest update of the webnovel!