You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 671

"Drink?" Ye Xingbei grasped the key point, "Xiao Qiao, you are dead, your little uncle is sitting beside me."

Yue ya'er showed them the injuries of Qiao Zui and Fang Yao. Yue ya'er said that he would help them to recuperate. It's unlikely that they will recover completely, but at least it can relieve the pain. When they get old, they won't be hurt.

Yue ya'er warned them that drinking, eating spicy food and seafood are strictly prohibited during the treatment!

It's about Joe's drunk body. Gu Jun stares at him very closely.

“…… Ah? Little aunt, what are you talking about? Eh, it's strange. Why is the mobile phone signal suddenly bad? Why can't you hear anything? " The actor, Qiao Zui, said to himself, "it's strange. It's just fine What's that, little aunt? I'll tell you whether you can still hear me or not. I'll take my dream lover home in a moment. Remember to arrange the room for me. I'd better advise my little uncle to go to bed early. It's bad for the old man to sleep too late... "

Ye Xingbei hehe: "if you have the ability, come back and tell him."

"Oh, I still can't hear anything. How can this broken cell phone be so bad..."

Joe hung up on the phone.

Ye Xingbei

She put away her mobile phone and said to Gu Junzhu, "Congratulations, Mr. Gu. Maybe you can upgrade to be an uncle by this time next year."

Gu Wu Yeh smiles, "well, I've heard all of them. I'm happy with each other."

Ye Xing turns his eyes to the north.

What kind of generation?

Little aunt, she bit her teeth and put up with it. What's the ghost of aunts and grandmothers?

Gu Junzhu looked at her speechless little appearance, rare and fierce, pinched her face, "honey, what's wrong with my aunt? When you little girls quarrel with others, you don't always like to say to others, don't mess with your aunt. How can I, how can I? Would you rather be an aunt than an uncle? It's not fair to my aunts and grandmothers! "

Ye Xingbei Stay away from me

Her face was bright red, and her anger and anger were very attractive. Mr. Gu's heart was itchy.

If Chi Yu and Chi Zhan were not still here, he would hold her in his arms, like that, like that again.

He glanced at the two brothers Chi Yu and Chi Zhan, thinking about whether to lend Yue ya'er to them for a few days?

Late exhibition that careful thinking, he saw clearly.

Let them lead Yue ya'er away. Chi Zhan and Yue ya'er can cultivate their feelings. He can also have more time to live with Ye Xiaobei.

Chi Yu also knows, so late, they are still here to disturb quite what.

Noticing Gu Wu Ye's glance, his face was hot, he was on pins and needles, and his waist was straight. He apologized and said, "brother Wu, I'm sorry that we came too late, mainly because Qingqing suddenly had a high fever. Xiaozhan and I were in a panic. We didn't think too much about it, so we came here in a hurry. It bothered you and your sister-in-law too much."

"It's OK," Gu Junzhu said with a smile. "I'm thinking about letting Dr. Yue go back with you later. Now not only your sister needs treatment, but also your brothers need treatment. It's too inconvenient for you to run around like this. I can lend Dr. Yue to you for a few days and give it back to me when you are all cured."

"Thank you so much, brother five!" Chi Yu was overjoyed.

Now he is full of admiration for Yue ya'er's medical skills. He only hates that the person who first found Yue ya'er was not himself. He failed to sign a 50 year contract with Yue ya'er. , the fastest update of the webnovel!