You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6712

Other things, he forgot because his mind was too confused.

In the past, he always felt that Su ran was not sensible and worldly.

He didn't expect that he would be taught a lesson by Su ran.

The key is that Su Ran is right.

His embarrassed ears turned red, turned to Gu's family, apologized and said, "I'm sorry, because there are too many trivial things, I forgot to thank you for helping my sister, and... I was very sorry for accidentally scaring your children to cry. I'm sorry!"

He nodded an apology to his family.

Qin Jun night patted Xiaoxie on the back, looked at him and looked at him: "are you the slag brother who left his sister in the deep mountains and forests?"

Su Qi: "

How did he answer the question?

His veins jumped on his forehead and tried to squeeze out a little smile: "it's all a misunderstanding..."

"What's the misunderstanding?" Qin Junye glanced. "The up master's live video was clearly shot. A woman pushed your sister to the ground. Your sister was injured. You carried that woman on your back and left without looking back..."

He looked up and down at Su and said, "you look like five or six people. Why don't you do personnel“

He didn't look up to Su Qi at all. After su Qi got up, he was scared to cry. He didn't look up to Su Qi even more.

Bullying your sister and bullying a child over two years old is really not a good thing!

If Su Qi hadn't deliberately frightened Xiao Xie into crying, he would have hit someone directly.

Su Qi also wants to beat people.

The child looks good in dress and temperament. Why is he so uneducated and abusive?

He couldn't stay for a second. He went to Su ran and turned his back, "go, I'll carry you, let's go to the hospital."

"I won't go," said Su ran coldly. "I'll wait for my mother."

"Su ran, can you stop being so capricious?" Su Qi shouted at his throat, "do you know how much trouble you have caused me today? Wen Chang wants to break up with me. People on the Internet scold me. If it's bad, the reputation of the company will be affected. You'll make trouble for me. Did I owe you in my last life?"

Su ran looked at him quietly for a moment and said slowly: "Su Qi, I know you don't like me and don't want me to be your sister. In the past, I was unwilling. I always thought that sincerity can change sincerity. As long as I treat you sincerely, you will be moved by me sooner or later and be willing to accept my sister, but I've worked so hard for so long, not only haven't achieved any results, but you hate me more and more, in that case..."

She breathed out a long breath and pulled the corners of her mouth: "in that case, I won't insist. In the future, you are su Qi of the Su family and I am Su ran of my mother. We break up our friendship. You take your Yangguan road and I cross my single wooden bridge, and I'll take you as my brother!"

Su Qi was startled.

In the past, he wished Su ran would ignore him and treat each other as if they didn't exist.

But not today.

Su ran got into trouble and made a lot of mess for him. Su Ran is breaking up with him now. What about the mess she caused?

He was tongue tied for a long time before he said, "Su ran, don't be capricious. Anyway, you are the Su family, the daughter of your father and mother. Now the Su family is in trouble, you can't ignore it."

Su ran asked him, "what do you want me to do?"

Su Qi pursed his lower lip. "You make a statement and say everything is fine. Interact with me on the microblog.", the fastest update of the webnovel!