You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6713

As long as Su Ran has a good relationship with him, Su ran takes the initiative to help him out, and then intimately flirts with him, and then asks the public relations department of Su's group to conduct public relations. The storm will soon pass.

Whose brothers and sisters don't quarrel?

As long as Su ran doesn't take it seriously, others will take it as an ordinary fight between their brothers and sisters, which is understandable.

"Also," he paused and said, "Wen Chang, please explain for me. She was angered by the comments on the Internet and wanted to break up with me."

Su ran looked at him and frowned: "I don't understand. What position did you say this to me? What capital made you so confident and justified what you just said."

Su Qi frowned: "Su ran, we are brothers and sisters. You are my own sister. If I am in trouble, it means that the Su family is in trouble. If the Su family is in trouble, it means that my parents are in trouble. As a member of the Su family, you should contribute to the family."

"Oh," Su ran sneered, "now you think I'm your sister? Why didn't you think so when you left behind Xia Yan and left me alone in the mountains and forests? Are you Xia Yingchun and Zhong Wuyan? Oh, no, it can't be compared“

She sneered, "Zhong Wuyan and Xia Yingchun are the big and small wives of King Xuan of Qi. You are not king Xuan of Qi, and I am not your wife. I am just an insignificant person who can't even compare with an outsider in your mind. I'm not even as good as Zhong Wuyan!"

"I'm very upset now. Can you stop messing around?" Su Qi's irritable head is about to explode. "The public opinion on the Internet needs to be dealt with urgently, or it will affect our company. You're also a member of the Su family. Do you want to see the interests of the company damaged?"

"That's funny," Su ran said. "I'm neither the leader nor the employee of Su's group. If Su's group has problems, it's the leaders and employees of Su's group. What does it have to do with me, an outsider?"

"You..." Su Qi's fingertips trembled: "don't forget, your last name is Su!"

"There are many people surnamed Su in the world," Su ran said expressionless. "If the surname Su is responsible for the interests of the Su group, I can be Guan, Chang and Wang."

Her mother's surname is Guan, her grandmother's surname is Chang, and her grandmother's surname is Wang.

She's a girl, and she doesn't have to inherit the Su family. What's her last name?

"Su ran, did you do it on purpose?" Su Qi was about to explode. "You know, I didn't mean that! From small to large, your clothes, food, shelter and everything you have are supported by the Su family. It's your inherent responsibility to work for the Su family."

"Support?" Su ran sneered. "Support what? I'm not greedy for pleasure. I just like to write books at home. From small to large, how much money I spent in the Su family. Now I can repay it a hundred times a thousand times. If my parents want it, I'm willing to give it to them, but I won't give it to you!"

"Can't you understand people?" Su Qi was about to explode. "Am I asking you for money?"

He asked her to help clarify and restore the Su family and his reputation!

He didn't know what had happened to Su ran. It was like a different person.

Although he doesn't like Su ran, Su ran in front of him is like his follower. He listens to everything he says.

But at the moment, the Su ran standing in front of him seemed to be pierced by the soul. He said, she said ten words, completely ignoring his feelings.

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