You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6711

Xiaoshumiao'er, Ling Yue and Qin Junye also shouted and ran over.

Ye Xingbei patted Xiaoxie and said helplessly, "the man suddenly roared and your son cried. I don't know who he followed. He's so timid."

Still crying!

Cry all the time.

With so many children in the family, her youngest son loves to cry.

Gu Shimu glanced at Su and leaned over to hold Xiao thank you: "darling, don't cry, dad is here, darling, don't cry!"

Xie Jinfei teased Xiao with his straw weaving. "Honey, don't cry. If you cry again, the Dragonfly will fly away!"

Thank you for holding Ye Xingbei's neck and crying. No one is looking for it.

Ye Xingbei: "

Huo Zhongqi opened the tablet and handed it to Xiaoxie: "Sanbao, do you want to eat chicken with your brother?"

Thank you. The cry is down.

Xiaoshumiao son hurriedly said, "brother, how about eating chicken with you?"

Little thank you turned to see him. His eyes were red, with a bubble of tears in his eyes, and two lines of tears hung on his face.

My poor little appearance made my father, uncle and brothers very distressed and coaxed.

Xiaoshumiao took Xiaoxie over, hugged him with one hand and ate chicken with him with a flat plate in the other hand. He finally stopped crying.

Gu Junzhu just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. He glanced at his second son standing alone, his eyes red and his mouth flat. He wanted to cry but tried to hold back.

As soon as he looked at his heart, he quickly held his second son in his arms and asked softly, "what's the matter with ER Bao?"

Xiaojiang's eyes burst into tears. "My brother cries, and I want to cry, too."

Gu Junzhu: "

He patted his son's spine and coaxed him: "it's okay, it's okay, my brother doesn't cry, and ER Bao doesn't cry."

Xiaojiang nodded his head and buried it in his neck.

Gu Wuye held his soft little body, a soft hearted mess.

Su's sudden roar made Xiao Xie cry. Su ran was angry and embarrassed.

She struggled to get up, stared at Su Qi and glared: "what are you yelling at here? You threw me in the forest. These kind people saved me. They are my benefactors. Why are you yelling on other people's territory?"

Su Qi was very embarrassed.

He didn't mean it.

But this time the trouble was too big. He was upset and couldn't control his emotions. The volume was out of control.

Moreover, who could have thought that the child was so fragile that if he turned up the volume, he would be scared to cry?


He wanted to explain. He said only one word and was interrupted by Su ran: "don't say anything. Don't say how you are a brother. Just say that you, as a guest, came to other people's territory. In the face of the benefactor who saved your sister, you didn't even say thank you. You still yelled on other people's territory. Is this your upbringing as a young master of the Su family?"

Su Qi looked at Su ran in shock and was stunned.

From small to large, Su Ran has always been gentle and obedient to him.

This was the first time that Su ran spoke to him in a fierce voice.

Even, not just talking, but preaching!

Su Ran is teaching him how to do things!

However, what Su ran said is still reasonable.

He came to other people's territory and they helped his sister. He really should have a few greetings with his host.

However, he was bombed by Wen Chang, his father and his mother today. He was confused, angry and anxious. He just wanted to take Su ran away quickly and let Su ran send a statement to the public to solve his urgent need., the fastest update of the webnovel!