You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6700

She was angry, not because she loved Su Qi very much and was jealous. She was angry that she was blind and would be engaged to such a man soon!

The marriage between her and Su Qi was a commercial marriage, which was decided by the elders of the Su family and Wen family.

Of course, she likes Su Qi. Among the many marriage objects, she personally appointed Su Qi.

That's why she's angry!

There are so many rich second-generation rich families who can marry Wen family. She picked around and even picked Su Qi!

When was she so blind?

She was so mad that she almost threw her cell phone.

Thinking that she had to contact Su ran with her mobile phone, she temporarily let go of her mobile phone and called Su ran.

She called more than ten times, but Su Ran's cell phone couldn't be connected. She couldn't get through in a hurry. In a hurry, she dialed Su Qi's cell phone number.

She dialed more than ten times in a row before her cell phone was connected.

She scolded: "Su Qi, are you still human? Ran Ran was injured. You left her alone in the mountains and forests and left with Xia Yan! Xia Yan is your father or your mother. You treat her better than your own sister!"

Su Qi frowned: "Chang Chang..."

"Get out!" Wen Chang angrily interrupted her: "don't call my nickname, I'm disgusting! Su Qi, this is the last time I call you, we're finished!"

Angrily hung up the phone. She was still angry and called Su Yuanzhi: "Uncle Su, I want to get in touch with Su!"

Su Yuanzhi was stunned, "why?"

"Why?" Wen Chang sneered, "why? Don't uncle Su know what's on the Internet? Uncle Su's news is too unwieldy!"

"I'd rather not marry all my life than marry a man who left his own sister in danger for an irrelevant woman."

"Su Qi can leave Ranran today for Xia Yan, and tomorrow he can leave me for Xia Yan!"

"Also, last time I had a quarrel with Su, uncle Su, you helped Su Qi talk and said that there was nothing between Su Qi and Xia Yan, oh, nothing?"

She sneered, "Su Qi ignored his sister's life and death for Xia Yan. Uncle Su, you even told me that there is nothing between Su Qi and Xia Yan. Uncle Su, do you think I'm stupid or do we Su family bully?"

Su Yuanzhi knows nothing about the Internet.

Wen Chang heard a sudden bombardment, which made him dizzy and didn't know why.

Wen Chang was too lazy to say more. He angrily angered him, hung up his cell phone and tried to contact Su ran.

Another important reason why she agreed to be engaged to Su Qi was that she was a fan of Su ran.

Or to put it another way, she is a fan of Su ran.

She prefers Su ran to Su Qi.

If Su ran were a man, nothing would happen to Su ran. She must marry Su ran.

Unfortunately, Su Ran is a girl.

Considering that Su Qi is Su Ran's brother, she chose Su Qi from a group of marriage objects.

After determining the marriage relationship with the Su family, she spent more time with Su ran than with Su.

At first, she liked Su ran because of her works.

Later, she had more contact. She really fell in love with Su ran, and the two became best friends.

A good friend was injured and was thrown into the inaccessible mountains and forests by the scum from Su Qi. She didn't know how it was now. She was distressed and worried.

Su Yuanzhi was yelled at by a younger generation and hung up his cell phone. He was very uncomfortable. He frowned and called back. He couldn't get through., the fastest update of the webnovel!