You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6701

I called several times in a row, but the other party was on the phone.

He threw his cell phone angrily, pressed the inside line and asked the Secretary, "look up, what's the news about the Su family? I don't know."

The Secretary hesitated, knocked on the door and handed him his cell phone. "There's a problem with the young master and young lady..."

Su Yuanzhi read some comments at a glance and almost committed cerebral hemorrhage.

He turned several times angrily and opened his mouth. He didn't know whether to scold Su Qi or Su ran.

He was so angry that his temples hurt. He returned his mobile phone to the Secretary and asked the Secretary to go out.

After the secretary went out, he anxiously turned around again and picked up his cell phone to call Su Qi.

After the phone was connected, he asked, "what's going on? Ah? How did you make such a big mess?"

Now, Su Qi knows something has happened.

When Wen Chang called him, he had just come out of the hospital.

When he accompanied Xia Yan to make a film, the staff of the hospital said that the mobile phone would affect the instrument. They asked him to turn off the mobile phone. He turned off the mobile phone.

After checking, he forgot to open it.

Accompanied Xia Yan to leave the examination room and return to the ward, he turned on his cell phone.

As soon as the mobile phone was turned on, Wen Chang's phone came in and scolded him.

He thought that Su ran had complained to Wen Chang and was about to call Su ran to ask for a confession. His secretary called in, stuttered and reported to him about his hot search.

He opened the hot search and read several comments. His panic heart beat the drum and the cold sweat came down.

He was racking his brains to find a solution to the incident when his father called.

He didn't know how to explain. He could only say, "Dad, don't be angry. I'll try my best to solve it."

"Solve it quickly!" Su Yuanzhi said angrily, "you don't know how important word-of-mouth is to a company. You are the little owner of Su group and represent the face of Su group. You stink the reputation of Su group. Do you think how terrible it is for netizens to boycott Su group's products?"

Su Qi turned pale: "I know, Dad, I'll send someone to withdraw the heat search now."

"I'll deal with the hot search. Now you hurry to find your sister. You make a statement together, explain to the netizens, and tell them that you have a good relationship. Today's matter is just a misunderstanding!" Su Yuanzhi now thinks of Su ran: "what's the matter with you and ran Ran Ran? Why did you leave Ran Ran Ran behind your back?"

Su Qi said, "Yan Yan is hurt..."

"Ran Ran is also hurt. Don't you see?" Su Yuanzhi scolded angrily.

Su Qi said helplessly, "I didn't see..."

"If you don't see it, you can leave your sister a girl in the wilderness?" Su Yuan's anger didn't fight: "are you a pig brain? If this kind of thing spreads, your reputation will be ruined! You're not a child. What can you do and what can't be done, don't you count?"

Su Qi was scolded bloody, but he couldn't say a retort.

He didn't expect this.

He walked in front, heard Xia Yan exclaim, and turned to see Xia Yan push his sister to the ground.

He asked Xia Yan what happened. Xia Yan said that his sister pushed her to the ground and cut her leg.

He hurried to see Xia Yan's legs.

Xia Yan made a long and deep cut in his leg. Half of his leg was dyed red. Because of too much blood loss, Xia Yan's face was pale and people couldn't stand stably., the fastest update of the webnovel!