You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6699

Su ran looked at Qin Junye and Xie Jinfei's stubborn mouth, full of envy.

She especially likes the atmosphere of the family.

They make her feel so comfortable when they get along.

Ye Xingbei asked Xie Jinfei with a smile: "brother, are you hungry? Xiao Chi, they stewed chicken and mushrooms. Do you want to eat?"

"Eat, eat, eat," Xie Jinfei said. "You can eat it too."

Stop your mouth.

Qin Jun smiled at night, "I can eat delicious food every day. Uncle Fei, you rarely eat once. Uncle Fei, you eat more."

Xie Jinfei: "

This bear boy is definitely worthy of beating!

"Martial mother," said Huo Zhongqi suddenly with a dignified face, "sister Su is hot."

"Hot search?" Ye Xingbei surprised: "why?"

Su ran was also very surprised: "me?"

"Yes," Huo Zhongqi handed his tablet to Ye Xingbei: "a up master came to the forest to broadcast live. She just caught sister Su arguing with her brother. She hid behind the tree and broadcast the whole process. After netizens stripped out sister Su's identity, the heat exploded and went on a hot search."

Ye Xingbei received the tablet computer: "# pick up your brother who threw his sister in the deep mountains and forests #, # surprised! The crown prince of the Su group is such a man #."

Ye Xing went into the heat search at the North Point and took a rough look.

Sure enough, Su ran and her brother were picked up.

Today's netizens can be called zero seven. If you give me a clue, I wish I could pick out the eight generations of my ancestors.

What's more, the up master clearly photographed Su ran, Su Qi, Xia Yan's face and even the whole process of the dispute.

Su Qi and Xia Yan were ridiculed on the Internet.

[sympathize with goddess ran. We goddess ran are so beautiful, gentle and kind. Why is my brother so scum and disgusting?]

[who is the woman with Su Qi? Is Su Qi's girlfriend? That woman is too much!]

[Lord up is too far away from ran Shen. He can't hear the conversation between ran Shen and the two scum. But looking at the picture, it should be that the scum woman fell down and ran Shen kindly helped her.

She pushed ran Shen, who was pushed to the ground by her.

Su Qi scolded ran Shen sharply, picked up the woman's scum and left ran Shen alone in the mountains and forests.]

[put Su Qi on the public screen!

There was no one in the forest. What if ran Shen met a bad man?

What if no bad man meets a wounding beast?

Strangers can't do such a heartless thing, let alone their own brother.]

[the passer-by said that Su Qi's conscience was so bad that he couldn't believe that the person he threw into the mountains and forests was his own sister. A man can't do such a thing with a little conscience and responsibility.]

[only I wonder what the identity of the woman with Su Qi is?

For her sake, Su Qi even ignored his sister's life and death. Does the great God know the identity of that woman?

Find the answer.]

[find out the identity of the woman + 1.]

[is it su Qi's girlfriend? If you have a girlfriend and forget your sister, you can!]

[the insider said not!

Su Qi's girlfriend is Miss Wen, a very smart and capable goddess. She is definitely not the little white flower in the video.]

[that's interesting!

For a woman, he left his own sister. That woman is not his girlfriend yet. I don't know how Su Qi's real girlfriend feels?]

How does Wen Chang feel?

Wen Chang was so angry that he almost threw away his cell phone., the fastest update of the webnovel!