You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6698

She stammered nervously. "I, I think you are very similar to my brother Su Feiyang in my works. I can't help but see God. It's impolite. I'm sorry!"

She blushed and nodded to Xie Jinfei to apologize.

"It's all right," said Xie Jinfei. Of course, he wouldn't care about such a small matter. "Demon hunter? I've heard the name, but I haven't seen it. It seems that novels and plays are very popular! Sister..."

He looked at Ye Xingbei: "I remember Shangguan Lang and Shangguan Fu played the demon hunter, didn't I?"

"Yes," Ye Xingbei recalled and couldn't help laughing. "I've seen demon hunter. Think about it carefully. Second brother, you and Su Feiyang are really similar, especially!"

"Really?" Xie Jinfei asked with interest, "is Su Feiyang pleasant?... must be pleasant? After all, he is a hero!"

"The character is really very pleasant," Qin Jun said with a smile, "but the pleasant character is not the most similar place between Su Feiyang and uncle Fei."

"Oh? Xiao Ye has seen it too?" Xie Jinfei looked at Qin Junye: "tell me, where am I most like the hero?"

"It's all sister controlled!" Qin Junye said with a smile: "Su Feiyang is the most sister controlled brother in all the stories I've seen. There is no one! Su Feiyang's life creed is that his sister is the biggest, his sister is the most important, and his sister is right. He can not want the world, but he must keep his sister."

"Er..." Xie Jinfei scratched his face and looked at Ye Xingbei with embarrassment: "sister, I lost. I was compared by others“

He thinks he is a good brother who loves his sister, but he is certainly not as crazy as Su Feiyang.

He not only has a sister, but also a big brother. He can't only love his sister. In addition to his sister, he also has a big brother.

"No, no!" Qin Junye smiled and waved his hand: "Uncle Fei, you are too modest. You are no worse than Su Feiyang. You got a basket of litchi and ran hundreds of kilometers to deliver it. You are no better than Su Feiyang! And..."

Qin Jun smiled strangely at night, "Uncle Fei and Su Feiyang are most like each other, that is, they are particularly counselled in front of their sister! Brother gang is depressed!"

Xie Jinfei: "

Is he counseling his sister?

He counseled his brother-in-law, okay?

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" a child is a child. You're not allowed to look at problems at all!

"I'm not talking nonsense. I'm so smart. What don't you understand?" Qin Junye was unconvinced: "Brother Lang has the final say, especially the pain of Xiao Fei's sister. But Lang Ge and Xiao Fei sister, brother Lang brother has the final say, what brother Lang said, Xiao Fei's elder sister listens to him, but my mother and my uncle are all the same.

Xie Jinfei: "

Did he listen to his sister so obviously?

Even if it's so obvious, don't say it in front of so many people?

Does he want face?

He touched his nose and said vaguely, "children like to talk nonsense. What's wrong?"

Refusing to admit is his last stubbornness.

Qin Jun blinked at night, "Uncle Fei, my teacher's mother is so good. Shouldn't you be a sister? You're a good man if you listen to my teacher's mother. If you don't listen, you'll be abnormal. What's ashamed of you?"

Xie Jinfei: "

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