You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6697

Her dream brother, if he wins the fight, will return to his sister and say proudly and proudly, sister, I won.

The inspiration of the demon hunter comes from one of her dreams.

When she was sixteen, one ordinary night, she fell asleep as usual and had a dream like a movie.

In the dream, there is a mysterious world. In that world, there are two people and demons. The demons live outside the Terrans and always try to invade the Terrans.

Terrans build high walls to resist demons.

Inside the high wall, each state has set up a magic hunting college to train students who can hunt magic.

After graduation, those students will rush to the high wall to defend the high wall and resist the demon invasion.

In the dream, she was a 16-year-old girl. She had a brother. They were both students of the demon hunting college.

In her dream, someone always wanted to bully their brother and sister, but her brother was a genius and made rapid progress.

And she is a genius for refining medicine. The medicine refined helps her brother advance.

They soon became the proudest students of teachers. When talking about their brother and sister, they all praised their proud talents.

When the dream came to this, she woke up.

When she woke up, she felt that the dream was so beautiful that she didn't do enough.

She liked writing since childhood, so she expanded the plot in her dream and wrote the demon hunter.

In fact, her relationship with her brother Su Qi has always been general, but in her demon hunter, there are too many stories about brother and sister love. She hypnotized herself. She always thought that she and Su Qi also have deep brother and sister love.

Until today, Su Qi hit her head and woke her up completely.

The so-called brother sister love is just a story made up by herself.

She and Su Qi don't even have the feelings of Su Feiyang and Su Feixi in her dream.

Su Qi is nothing like her dream brother, but the man who smiled and handed a basket of lychees to the hostess is especially like her dream brother!

Her dream brother, that's it!

It's a little rude to laugh, but it's very sunny, and his eyes are very bright. It's clean like the clear sky after the rain, without any haze. He looks into his sister's eyes, focused and gentle. His expression has a feeling of wanting to be praised - because he attaches importance to his sister, he wants to be affirmed and praised by his sister.

Dreams are vague.

She can't really describe the appearance of her brother in her dream. All she can accurately feel is his character and emotion.

The look as like as two peas in the dream, and the feeling of Su Fei Yang in her dream, is almost the same.

She looked at Xie Jinfei without blinking, and her heart beat inexplicably.

Her eyes were too focused and eager. Xie Jinfei felt it and looked at her: "eh? Sister, are there guests?"

"Yes," Ye Xingbei waved to a bodyguard and asked him to pick up litchi. "It's a tourist. He was accidentally injured in the forest. They found it on a small night."

Xie Jinfei felt that Su ran looked at him strangely, like -- the wolf saw the meat, bah, so the girl is not good, to put it another way -- it's like the fan sister was as excited as seeing the star.

Xie Jinfei was puzzled and asked Su ran, "have we met?"

Su ran looked at his eyes. It was not like looking at strangers.

"Hello, my name is Su ran!" Su ran was a little flustered. "I, I, I am ran yuefanxing, the author of the demon hunter.", the fastest update of the webnovel!