You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6692

Her son, that bastard, actually left her daughter, a delicate little girl, alone in such a remote place.

What if you meet bad people?

Is there little news about girls meeting bad guys outside, being violated, killed and dumped?

She was so frightened that she wanted to fly to her daughter immediately.

She asked Su ran to hand her mobile phone to snow, said a lot of good words and promised a lot of benefits, lest something should happen to her daughter before she saw her daughter.

Even, she wants to keep talking to her daughter all the time.

But the mobile phone belongs to someone else. She can't make this unreasonable request.

She hung up her cell phone with full worry, rushed out of the door as fast as she could, and ordered the driver to drive to her daughter's place.

Su ran returned her cell phone to snow and thanked her again and again.

The nagging Qin Jun night was unwilling to be lonely and asked her, "little sister, why are you here alone? Aren't you afraid of being here alone?"

"I didn't come alone," Su ran explained. "I came with my brother and a friend... We had a dispute, and my brother left first“

"Grass!... is a kind of plant!" Qin Jun coughed twice at night. "Is your brother too bad? How dangerous it is in the wilderness? How can he rest assured of leaving you here alone?"

"I don't know..." Su ran shook his head blankly.

She doesn't understand how her brother can rest assured of leaving her here alone.

From small to large, her favorite people were her mother and brother.

She is the legendary "brother control".

Her brother is her idol and her pride. She wants to have a good relationship with her brother and make her brother treat her well.

But my brother doesn't like her.

My brother likes Xia Yan.

No matter how she flatters her brother, his brother can always find all kinds of reasons to belittle her and scold her, which only hurts Xia Yan.

She doesn't understand why?

Isn't it true that you can change your heart?

Why does she like her brother so much and treat him so well, but her brother always criticizes her and scolds her, but refuses to like her?

She has been working hard to brush the favor. She hopes that she and her brother can support each other and be close to each other like her brother and sister in her dream.

However, the reality is that no matter how hard she tries, she can't resist Xia Yan's words.

Xia Yan's word can make her brother turn his face on her, and let her brother leave her in the inaccessible deep forest and leave with Xia Yan on his back

"I've seen you..." the humanoid computer Huo Zhongqi looked at Su ran thoughtfully for a moment, and the information related to Su ran appeared in his brain: "your name is Su ran, your pseudonym is ran Yue Fanxing, and you have won the title of the most popular best-selling writer for three consecutive years, ranking No. 1 in the Forbes writer income list."

"The moon is full of stars?" Qin Jun's eyes brightened at night: "the author of the demon hunter?"

Huo Zhongqi nodded, "yes."

"Wow!" Qin Junye exclaimed, looked at Su ran and said: "demon hunter is a rare brother and sister text. The male owner is a brother and the female owner is a sister. Brother Lang played a brother and sister Xiao Fu played a sister. I didn't expect to meet the original author today. It's really fate!"

The demon hunter was filmed last year. It was a rare brother and sister file. Shangguan Lang and Shangguan Fu, the real brothers and sisters, performed the brother and sister protagonists in the demon hunter, Su Feiyang and Su Feixi.

"Demon hunter" was the hottest IP last year. It exploded after broadcasting, with a good harvest of reputation and ratings. Shangguan Lang and Shangguan Fu became the most popular national brothers and sisters., the fastest update of the webnovel!