You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6693

The brothers and sisters also took advantage of this play to win the reputation of the emperor and empress, and became one of the top stream. The film pay soared and the film appointment continued. As a result, their teacher's mother's studio made a lot of money.

He had heard the name of ran yuefanxing for a long time, but he had never seen him, but he didn't doubt Huo Zhongqi's judgment at all.

The Qi Qi of their family is a humanoid computer, and is a sophisticated party. There is no unreliable evidence, and they never talk nonsense.

As long as he says it, he must be sure.

What's more, the young lady's name is Su ran. The first word of Ran Yue's stars is ran.

"Brother Lang, sister Xiaofu?" Su ran grasped the key point: "do you know Shangguan Lang and Shangguan Fu?"

"Brother Lang and sister Xiaofu are employees of our teacher's mother studio," Qin Junye said. "I also played with brother Lang! I played the little prince in Jiangshan!"

Su ran fixed his eyes on him for a moment, and his eyes lit up: "are you playing the young role of Shangguan Lang?"

"Yes, that's right!" Qin Junye said in a special way: "young master, am I doing well?"

Huo Zhongqi: "

When brother Yue is away, he releases himself again.

Su ran smiled and nodded affirmatively, "it was a good performance!"

When she learned that the people in front of her knew Shangguan Lang, her heart calmed down again.

In this case, what she is most afraid of is meeting bad people.

Just now, although she also felt that this group of people didn't look like bad guys, they were strangers and inevitably worried.

Now, although she still doesn't know each other, she at least knows the origin of each other. Even, there is some intersection between them, and she has a lot of peace in her heart.

Qin Jun looked around at night: "little sister, your mother should take a long time to come here? It's not a way for you to sit here. Let's help you to our camp?"

He pointed to the place where they camped: "we have everything to eat, drink and wound medicine in our camp. There are many people who can chat. There is nothing here. It's so boring."

Su ran hesitated: "will it be too much trouble for you?"

"No trouble, what's the trouble?" Qin Jun said carelessly at night: "we were originally out to play. How to play is not to play? Just tell me about your new book. If possible, you can let brother Lang and sister Xiaofu play in the next book. Otherwise, brother Jin and sister Yu play!"

"Brother Jin and sister Yu?" Su ran thought, "are Liang Huaijin and Liang Qianyu?"

"Yes! They are also the artists signed by our teacher's mother studio." Qin Junye said as he went to help Su ran.

Snow and rain came forward: "let's come."

They bent down and one helped Su ran with an arm.

After taking a few steps, seeing that Su ran was really hard to walk, snow loosened Su ran, walked forward and almost bent down.

Yunuo had the most tacit understanding with him, but he directly helped Su ran to his back.

Su ran was very embarrassed: "it's too much trouble for you."

"It's all right," Qin Junye said. "Give someone roses and leave fragrance in your hand. Our master and mother like to do good things best."

Listening to him open his mouth and shut his mouth and keep mentioning his master and mother, Su ran asked curiously, "what did your master and mother teach you?"

"Teach everything," Qin Junye said. "Our master is the most powerful person in the world. She knows everything. Our teacher's mother is the most gentle and kind-hearted person in the world and the most beautiful!", the fastest update of the webnovel!