You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6691

He whispered, "goblins?"

Qin Junye despised him: "reading is silly?"

"I know she's not a goblin. I just sigh," said Huo Zhongqi. "She's not a goblin. In the daytime, she sits alone in the empty deep forest and cries for help. Don't you think she's like the white bone spirit beaten by sun Dasheng in journey to the west?"

Qin Junye laughed, "if you have the ability, go to that young lady and sister and say it. Do you see if that young lady and sister scratch you!"

Huo Zhongqi: "... I'm not stupid!"

In fact, even if Huo Zhongqi walked up to Su ran and asked her if she was a white bone spirit, she wouldn't scratch Huo Zhongqi.

She has been sitting in the woods for more than three hours. Her mobile phone broke and she can't contact anyone outside.

There were few people in the deep forest, the shadows of the trees were shining, the wind sobbed, and it was gloomy. She was not timid, but she stayed here alone for more than three hours, and no one came to her. She didn't know when to go back, and she was very nervous.

It's not easy to see people. The two big men also have several beautiful children. They are well dressed and have excellent temperament. They don't look like evil people at all. She is simply grateful.

"Brother, can I borrow your cell phone?" she asked urgently when she saw snow.

Snow Nuo didn't like to talk. Without saying a word, she took out her mobile phone and handed it to her.

Su ran took his cell phone, thanked him and dialed a series of numbers.

She was full of expectation, but the prompt sound of "the user you dialed is not in the service area" sounded in her ear.

Her expectation failed and tears rolled in her eyes.

She took a deep breath, put back her tears, stared at her mobile phone for a long time, and then dialed another number.

This time, it was quickly connected.

"Mom..." she said with tears in her eyes, "I'm Ran Ran."

"Ran Ran?" Guan Yue asked, "have you changed your mobile phone number? “

"No, it's not my mobile phone..." Su ran didn't take the hand of the mobile phone and squeezed his palm so that he wouldn't cry. "Mom, I was thrown in the forest by my brother and Xia Yan. My mobile phone broke and my ankle sprained... I met several kind-hearted people“

At this point, her voice choked and couldn't go on.

If she goes on, she will not help crying.

"What?" Guan Yue was worried and angry: "Ran Ran, how are you now?"

"I'm with a few kind-hearted people," Su ran looked at the boundless forest. "It's still in the forest."

"Your brother and Xia Yan threw you in the forest and they left?" Guan Yue asked incredulously.

"Well," said Su ran, holding back his tears and feeling at a loss, "Mom, am I really annoying?"

"Ranran, don't talk nonsense." Guan Yue will be distressed to death. "It's all your brother's bastard who doesn't understand. Ranran, wait. Mom will pick you up now!"

"Sorry, mom..." Su ran whispered, "I've caused you trouble..."

"What nonsense?" Guan Yue was distressed. "You are my mother's daughter. It's my mother's responsibility to take care of you. My mother will pick you up now! Where are you? Can you send a location to my mother with a kind-hearted person's mobile phone?"

Su ran looked up and asked Snow, "can I use your mobile phone to add my mother's friends and send the location to my mother?"

Snow nodded and helped her make friends with her mother.

Su ran sent the location to her mother.

Guan Yue saw that her daughter was in a remote place, and her angry head was "buzzing"., the fastest update of the webnovel!