You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6690

Thanks a lot, little head: "yes!"

Qin Junye and Huo Zhongqi: "

Are they monkey?


Qin Jun night came to Huo Zhongqi's ear and said, "I'm a monkey, you're a monkey!"

Huo Zhongqi rolled his eyes: "naive."

Thank you for holding xiaoshumiao's hand, "brother, look!"

The little tree looked down at him, "what happened to Sanbao?"

Thank you for turning your eyelids and turning a big white eye.

Little tree seedling: "

Ling Yue cried and laughed and scolded Qin Junye and Huo Zhongqi: "you two pay attention!"

Qin Jun was so happy at night: "it's worthy of our family treasure. It's so beautiful to turn your eyes."

"Yes," said Huo Zhongqi, "you have a soul when you roll your eyes."

Ling Yue: "

Little tree seedling: "

Nie Yan was tired: "you are more childish than two treasures and three treasures!"

"Stop making trouble and pick mushrooms," Ling Yue said. "Do you still want to drink mushroom soup?"

Qin Junye nodded and echoed: "yes, yes, yes, we must pick mushrooms, pick a lot of mushrooms, and be sure to let Er Bao and San Bao come and return with satisfaction!"

The younger brothers went to pick mushrooms in high spirits.

Gu's bodyguard has a full level of field survival skills. He teaches them to prevent them from picking poisonous mushrooms.

The mushrooms were thrown into the specially brought bamboo basket. Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie saw more and more mushrooms in the bamboo basket. They were happy and kept slapping.

Xiaojiang and xiaoshumiao are happy when they see Xiaojiang and xiaoshumiao. How can they see that their younger brothers are the most beautiful and lovely children in the world? The more they see, the better they look!

Several children picked two baskets of mushrooms and ran to the stream to catch fish.

Gu Yuhan and Gu Yubing kept close to Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie for fear that they would fall into the water.

Several children were playing happily. Qin Junye, who was the wildest and ran the farthest, suddenly stopped inserting fish in his hand and listened.

Ling Yue found him strange and asked, "what's the matter?"

Qin Jun frowned at night: "it seems that someone is asking for help."

The little tree seedling walked towards him: "which direction?"

"Over there." Qin Jun night pointed to the dense forest opposite the stream.

The little tree seedling waved to snow: "brother Xue, you and brother Yu go and have a look."

"OK, young master." xuenuo and Yunuo immediately crossed the stream and walked in the direction Qin Junye said.

Qin Junye, who likes to join the fun, how is he willing to wait here?

"Shall we go and have a look?" he was eager to try.

Xiaoshumiao looked at Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie, who squatted on the bank to play with small fish. "We're all gone. Er Bao and San Bao must follow in the past. I have to stay."

"Let me see?" Qin Jun looked at Ling Yue at night. "Brother Yue, Qi Qi, little police?"

Ling Yue said, "I'll accompany the little tree."

Huo Zhongqi and Nie Yan said, "let's go and have a look with you."

"OK!" Qin Jun took Huo Zhongqi and Nie Yan police across the stream and walked to the place where the sound came from.

They ran fast and soon caught up with snow and rain.

They went through a large forest and walked for a long time to find the girl crying for help.

There are towering ancient trees in the deep forest. The sun can't shine in. It's dark in the daytime. Qin Junye and Nie Yanjing are bold and don't feel anything. Huo Zhongqi is a little hairy in his heart.

If it weren't for snow and rain, he would want to go back.

In such a inaccessible forest with towering ancient trees, a beautiful young girl sat on the ground and shouted for help.

When Huo Zhongqi saw her, he first thought of the three dozen white bone spirits in journey to the West.

It's too much like Baigujing, okay?, the fastest update of the webnovel!