You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6674

Lin Hao wants to explain, but he's so upset now that he doesn't even have the strength to explain.

His silence was acquiescence.

Lu Wan grabbed his neck and shook wildly: "Lin Hao, how dare you? How dare you!"

She screamed like crazy: "since I married you, my parents don't want it, and my son doesn't want it. I'm bent on you. I'll do whatever you want me to do. How can you betray me?"

Lin Hao was choked by her and pushed her away: "calm down!"

"Calm down, how can I calm down?" Lu Wan sat on the ground and slapped the ground like crazy: "for you, I don't even want my son. I listen to you. You raise a woman outside? Who's Yao Ning? Who's Yao Ning? What does she do? I'm going to kill her!"

"You don't even know this?" Gu Yan answered her questions kindly: "Yao Ning is a colleague in your husband's office... You said you threw your whole heart on your husband. Are you serious? You threw your whole heart on your husband. You don't even know that your husband has a bright female colleague named Yao Ning?"

Lu Wan doesn't know.

She has never been to Lin Hao's unit.

Lin Hao never mentioned that he has a beautiful female colleague.

When she was with Lin Hao, Lin Hao never mentioned anything about the unit, and she didn't like to mention it.

She likes eating, shopping and watching movies with Lin Hao. She doesn't like work and other troubles.

She doesn't know.

She doesn't know anything.

Lin Hao has a favorite face. She is infatuated with Lin Hao. In addition to completing what Lin Hao gave her, she just wants to spend time with Lin Hao and love each other. She doesn't want to pay attention to anything else.

She didn't doubt that there was someone outside Lin Hao, but it wasn't because Lin Hao had doubts, but she thought Lin Hao was so perfect. She thought someone must like Lin Hao.

She was afraid of a woman prying her corner. She secretly checked Lin Hao's mobile phone and even secretly followed Lin Hao.

But no.

Nothing there?

Lin Hao goes to work at two o'clock, goes home after work, takes a rest at noon and never goes out.

She felt that Lin Hao was as single-minded as she was to Lin Hao. She was very satisfied with Lin Hao.

She never dreamed that Lin Hao could betray her even if she left home to work at two o'clock and left home.

He and xiaosaner are in the same office. If they don't go anywhere, they can do everything!

Her son doesn't want her.

She thinks she is the best and best husband in the world. In fact, she raises a woman outside.

Her world suddenly collapsed.

She staggered to her feet, turned and ran out, mumbling Yao Ning's name: "I'm going to kill her... I'm going to kill her..."

"What are you doing? You come back!" Lin Hao grabbed her arm in panic.

"You bastard!" Lu Wan slapped him in the face, his facial features twisted and crazy, "I gave you everything, and you raised a woman behind my back. Lin Hao, you bastard, you bastard!"

She won't scold anything else. She just scolds Lin Hao bastard over and over.

These two words are not enough to express her hatred for Lin Hao. At the moment, she wants to kill the adulterer * *!

"Wan Wan, calm down!" Lin Hao grabbed her arm and said in a low voice, "if you make things worse in my unit, how can I work in the future? Yao Ning and I are not the kind of relationship you think. Calm down and let me explain to you..."

"Is Mr. Lin accusing me of lying?" Gu Yan smiled and handed Lin Chengyou a long bill: "Chengyou, send it to Mrs. Lin."

Lin Chengyou obediently took the bill, went to Lu Wan and stuffed it into Lu Wan's hands.

Lu Wan's fierce eyes fell on his face and gradually became humble and pitiful: "Chengyou...", the fastest update of the webnovel!