You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6675

Lin Chengyou handed her the bill without expression.

The bills are crowded. It's more than a meter long.

Lu Wan looked at Lin Chengyou for a moment and looked down at the bill.

Glancing at her, her attention was attracted.

After reading it, she trembled with anger and her eyes were red.

She threw the bill on Lin Hao's face. "That's what you said. It doesn't matter? It doesn't matter. You spent so much money for her?"

She shivered all over and her heart ached sharply.

She and Lin Hao have been together for so many years. In addition to her birthday and wedding anniversary, Lin Hao will buy her flowers and gifts. Usually they spend their own money, and Lin Hao rarely spends money for her.

As for her son Lin Chengyou, who was raised by her parents, Lin Hao didn't spend much money for Lin Chengyou.

But now, she saw Lin Hao's bill with her own eyes, which contained a lot of things for women and children.

Those things were not bought for her, let alone Lin Chengyou. It goes without saying who they were bought for.

She married a man and treated him wholeheartedly. She even ignored her son for him, but what about the man?

That man secretly raised another woman. All the money he earned was spent by that woman!

She's a big fool, big head!

She looked at Lin Hao and sneered, "is Yao Ning?"

Lin Hao had a bad intuition: "Lu Wan, listen to me..."

"There's nothing to explain!" Lu Wan pushed him away, turned and ran out.

Lin Hao was pushed by her and nearly fell down. Regardless of her painful ankle, she limped out.

Gu Yan smiled and looked at Lin Chengyou: "do you want to have a look?"

Lin Chengyou hesitated: "... Is that ok?"

Gu Yan chuckled, "of course."

Lin Chengyou said, "I want to see it."

I want to see how his selfish parents end.

"Go, I'll take you." Gu Yan put Lin Chengyou's shoulder on one hand.

Lu Wan came by Lin Hao's car.

After running out of the cafe, she stopped a taxi and reported the name of Lin Hao's unit.

At the moment, she has lost her mind.

She doesn't want anything. She just wants to let everyone who knows Lin Hao and Yao Ning know what they have done, so that the dog men and women of Lin Hao and Yao Ning will be ruined.

More than ten minutes later, the taxi arrived in front of Lin Hao's unit.

Lu Wan ran out when the car didn't stop steadily.

Rushed into the hall of Lin Hao's unit. She stood in the middle of the hall and shouted in her biggest voice, "Yao Ning! Get out, Yao Ning, get out!"

Her voice soon attracted a lot of people.

The security guard at the door hurried over: "what are you doing? Don't make trouble here, get out!"

"I'm not a troublemaker, I'm Lin Hao's wife!" Lu Wan tidied up her messy hair and looked at the crowd: "I want to ask Yao Ning why she seduced my husband? She spent so much money on my husband, which is the common property of my husband and wife. I want her to spit out the money for me, or I'll sue her!"

She is not a person who loves money, otherwise she won't make AA with Lin Hao.

She just made an excuse to make Yao Ning ugly.

She wants to file a lawsuit with Yao Ning to make Yao Ning pay back the money.

If Yao Ning doesn't return it, she will not only go to court, but also invite a lot of media reports to let everyone know how shameless the dog man and woman are.

Linhao road was blocked by a red light for a while. He arrived two minutes late. Just these two minutes, the situation is gone., the fastest update of the webnovel!