You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6673

Lu Wan always thought that they had an AA system in terms of economy. Like her, his money was saved for financial management.

did not.

His money was spent by Yao Ning's mother and son because Yao Ning said that Chen Yiping was his son.

But now... He was cheated by that bitch!

He has always been complacent and thinks that Chen Yichuan has raised his son for him. Unexpectedly, he has been raising his son for Chen Yichuan!

When he realized this, his angry face was blue and purple, his limbs were cold, his whole body was cold, and he was almost mad.

Lu Wan is still asking, "you talk! Why do you want to have a paternity test with Chen Yiping? Who is Chen Yiping?"

"It's an irrelevant person!" Lin Hao extrapolated Lu Wan: "it's getting late. We should go."

Lu Wan pushed him away and rushed to Gu Yan: "Mr. Gu, please tell me who Chen Yiping is?"

Her heart has a vague answer, but she can't believe it.

She hoped that Gu Yan would give her a negative answer.

However, Gu Yan let her down.

Gu Yan looked at Lin Hao and said leisurely, "Mr. Lin has a pink confidant who has known each other for several years. Chen Yiping is the son of his pink confidant."

"Brother Yan, you are so civilized," sneered Lin Chengyou. "What red confidant? It's just a prostitute!"

Lin Haoqi's face was green and white: "what are you talking about?"

"Do I have nonsense?" Lin Chengyou said sarcastically, "Lang Qing is a concubine, but one is a married man, and the other is a married man. It's called stealing Qing. Women are with men for men's money, not prostitutes. What is it?"

He was still a child and spoke childishly, but Lin Hao almost fainted because of his childish words.

He is a very handsome man, otherwise Lu Wan would not love him wholeheartedly.

He thought he was handsome and extraordinary. Yao Ning loved him as much as Lu Wan. For him, he was willing to raise a son with her husband.

But facts proved that he was cheated by Yao Ning.

Chen Yiping is not his son at all.

Yao Ning lied to him that Chen Yiping was his son just to let him help raise his son.

He has a good income and feels sorry for Chen Yiping. Most of his income has been spent on Chen Yiping these years.

The clothes that Lord Lu bought for Lin Chengyou cost hundreds of yuan. The clothes he bought for Chen Yiping are no less than thousands of yuan.

Over the years, the money he spent on Chen Yiping was not more than one million, but also 700000.

Millions, enough to buy a house in a good part of the capital!

He thought Yao Ning was infatuated with him and loved him wholeheartedly. In fact, Yao Ning always regarded him as a big fool and played with him!

He thought he made money. Who knows, it's actually a blood loss!

He clenched his fist and his teeth rattled. He wanted to kill Yao Ning.

But the only reason left nailed him to the ground and couldn't move.

His only reason was to remind him that he couldn't go.

His relationship with Yao Ning cannot be seen.

If the Chen family knew that he had maintained an improper relationship with Yao Ning for many years, the Chen family would not let him go!

His whole body trembled with anger. He felt as if he was broken, but there was nothing he could do.

Lu Wan stood foolishly for a while and finally digested the meaning of Gu Yan's words. He stared at Lin Hao with the biggest eyes. He looked like he had seen a ghost: "what do you mean? What do they mean? Red confidant? Lin Hao... You, you have a woman outside?", the fastest update of the webnovel!