You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6672

Yao Ning has a good reputation in the company and at home, and no one knows that Yao Ning loves him and is not one with her husband.

He liked Yao Ning and thought that Yao Ning was pregnant with his flesh and blood. He was too hot to let Yao Ning kill his child.

He advised Yao Ning to have the baby.

After the child was born, Yao Ning secretly gave him a paternity test, saying that she did it without telling everyone.

The result of paternity test shows that the child is his.

He is happy and nervous.

Happily, he has a son, and he doesn't have to raise his son.

It's a shame for a man to be wearing a green brain, but a man is proud that he can let another man help him raise children.

Thinking of his seed, Yao Ning's husband helped him raise it with his heart and lungs. He was secretly proud.

But in addition to complacency, it is worry.

He was afraid of being discovered by Yao Ning's husband.

This is a great humiliation and a deep blood feud. If Yao Ning's husband finds out that his hard-working son is someone else's, Yao Ning's husband will not let him go.

Yao Ning saw his nervousness and comforted him that the child was intimate and looked like her. Her husband's family were honest people and would not think that the child was someone else's.

After eight or nine years, the children went to primary school. Yao Ning is still Zhang's model wife, model daughter-in-law and model mother. No one has ever suspected that Chen Yiping is not the seed of the Chen family.

He felt more and more at ease.

When he was with Yao Ning, Yao Ning often mentioned Chen Yiping, what competitions he participated in, what awards he won, and which teacher praised him.

The more he listened, the more proud he was. The more he listened, the more he felt that Chen Yiping was the son he wanted.

And Lin Chengyou

If only Lin Chengyou and Chen Yiping could be changed.

Although Lin Chengyou is his legitimate son, he likes Chen Yiping better than Lin Chengyou.

After his marriage with Lu Wan, he made an AA system in terms of economy. He was a small leader. In addition to the salary, he also had a lot of bonuses. However, Lu Wan knew that his income was only salary, and he spent all the bonuses on Yao Ning and Chen Yiping.

He was reluctant to pay Lin Chengyou.

The daily expenses of Lin Chengyou's clothes, shoes and so on were taken by old man Lu and old lady Lu. He was reluctant to give Lin Chengyou any money.

But when Chen Yiping spent money, he didn't blink. Yao Ning reported that he paid the money immediately without hesitation for a second.

He always thought that he had not only Lin Chengyou's son, but also a better son, who was raised by the Chen family in the Chen family.

Although he can't tell others that Chen Yiping is his son, his blood and blood are cut off. When Chen Yiping grows up and is sensible, he will secretly tell Chen Yiping the secret.

Tell him that he is proud of having his son. Tell him that although he is not accompanied by him, he has spent a lot of money for him, whether it is clothing, food, housing, transportation, study and education.

One day, the child succeeded and became famous, and he also contributed to it.

Chen Yiping is talented. He has always dreamed that Chen Yiping will stand out when he grows up. If Chen Yichuan dies in front of him, maybe he can make Chen Yiping recognize his ancestors and honor his Lin family.

With such an idea, he responded to Yao Ning's request.

The money earned over the years is not only spent on Yao Ning's mother and son, but also on his salary., the fastest update of the webnovel!