You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6671

His eyes swept from the faces of Lin Hao and Lu Wan: "you two seem to have a good relationship."

Lin Hao and Lu Wan don't know why he suddenly said so, but subconsciously they think he must have no good intentions.

Lin Hao held Lu Wan's hand and reluctantly smiled at Gu Yan. "Lawyer Gu is not ordinary at first sight. In order to make Chengyou have a good future, we don't argue with lawyer Gu. We are willing to give Chengyou to lawyer Gu."

So, don't say anything more. Let's cut it off, and the well water won't invade the river in the future.

"Mr. Lin is really reasonable," Gu Yan smiled. "Mr. Lin is so reasonable and considerate, and I can't help but repay one or two."

He slowly opened the document bag, took out a document from the document bag and handed it to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao nervously took it. After reading it, there was a "buzzing" in his ears. It seemed that there was mud stirring in his mind, which was painful and messy.

"No... no..." he subconsciously shook his head: "no......"

"What?" Lu Wan leaned over to see.

Lin Hao hid the document behind her.

Lu Wan was puzzled. Subconsciously, she thought it was a very important thing and grabbed it.

"Give it back to me!" Lin Hao wanted to grab it. Lu Wan dodged several times and read the document clearly.

"Paternity test?" the word read clearly, but the meaning was not clear: "Lin Hao and Chen Yiping have no parent-child relationship?"

She looked blankly at Gu Yan: "who is Chen Yiping? Why does my husband have to do paternity test with Chen Yiping?"

Gu Yan looked at Lin Hao with interest in his eyes and a smile on his lips. "I have to ask Mr. Lin!"

Cold sweat wet Lin Hao's whole body. Lin Hao's face was pale. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead. His whole person seemed to be fished out of the water.

Isn't Chen Yiping his son?

Chen Yiping is not his son!


But Yao Ning showed him the paternity test. According to the results of the paternity test, he and Chen Yiping were biological father and son.

But now, Gu Yan brings another paternity test. The result of the paternity test is that Chen Yiping is not his son

Which one is true?

Which one is fake?

In fact, when this question appeared in his heart, he had the answer, but he didn't want to admit it.

He always thought Chen Yiping was his son.

Although Chen Yiping is still young, he is a primary school bully. He is the first in every exam. He is obedient and intelligent.

The relationship between him and Yao Ning has been maintained for many years. After Yao Ning was pregnant with a child, he secretly cried to him that he didn't know who the child in his stomach was and wanted to kill the child.

She said that she was afraid that the child was not her husband's, and her husband would find the relationship between them.

Thinking that Yao Ning's stomach may be his seed, he was reluctant to let Yao Ning knock out the child.

His idea is very simple. No matter who the child in Yao Ning's belly is, he has no loss.

If the child belongs to Yao Ning's husband, it has nothing to do with him.

If the child is his, he will have another son. In the future, Yao Ning's husband will help him raise his son.

Yao Ning's husband is a cowardly man. If his eldest brother didn't have the ability, Yao Ning wouldn't marry him at all.

But no matter how capable the elder brother is, he won't stare at his brother's house.

Who could have thought that Yao Ning's baby was his?

He and Yao Ning are very careful. No one knows the relationship between him and Yao Ning., the fastest update of the webnovel!