You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6668

On his wrists, there were blue and purple Le marks.

The binding band was very wide, but because he struggled too hard, he still left silt marks on his skin.

Lu Wan looked unbelievably, covered her mouth and shook her head: "no, it's not true... It's not true..."

She rushed to Lin Hao, grabbed Lin Hao's collar and shook: "didn't you say it was the best sanatorium? Didn't you say it was a place for psychological counseling for children? Why? Why did they treat my children like this?"

Although she loved Lin Hao more in the past ten years, and gave her children to her parents, she only spent two days a week with her, but she didn't love her children.

That's her only son. How can she not love him?

She really believed Lin Hao's words and thought that her son had no way out of practicing martial arts and would ruin her future. She agreed to Lin Hao's proposal and sent her son to a sanatorium.

She is full of hope that after her son comes out of the sanatorium, he will no longer practice martial arts, study hard, enter a famous university, find a stable job after graduation and be an enviable white-collar worker.

How about practicing martial arts?

It's hard and tired. Few people come out.

She thinks of her son from the bottom of her heart. She doesn't know that the so-called sanatorium for spiritual counseling actually treats her son in such a cruel way.

No wonder her son wants to change custody. No wonder her son looks at her with cold and indifferent eyes. Her son... Her son hates her and doesn't want to recognize her.


She is such a son!

How could her son not recognize her?

She shook Lin Hao crazily: "you talk! Didn't you say you were looking for the best sanatorium in the country? Why did they treat my son like that? Why?"

"I don't know why," Lin Hao pushed her away impatiently. "I didn't say that. It was the psychologist who did psychological counseling for Chengyou. Weren't you there when the psychologist said this?"

Lu Wan was stunned. "Yes... That psychologist said it! Why did he cheat us? Why did he hurt Chengyou?"

"Because of the Commission," Gu Yan said slowly after drinking coffee. "He introduced a patient to the sanatorium. The sanatorium gave him a 10% commission on how much the patient spent in the sanatorium."

Lu Wan opened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief. Her lips trembled and couldn't speak.

After a long time, she suddenly gave a thrill, suddenly came back to her senses, jumped in front of Lin Chengyou, grabbed Lin Chengyou's arms, and said hastily, "Chengyou, I'm sorry, it's all my mother's fault. My mother was cheated. My mother didn't know it was like this in the sanatorium. I'm sorry Chengyou, you forgive my mother, you must forgive my mother!"

Lin Chengyou looked at her expressionless: "you don't know what's in there. Why do you dare to send me there?"

"I... I..." Lu Wan said in a trembling voice, "because it was introduced by the doctor... I thought the doctor was a good man..."

"Doctor?" Lin Chengyou sneered in his eyes: "Am I ill? Why did you take me to see a doctor? Even if you don't know that the sanatorium is a group of demons, you should know what the sanatorium does? Good man, who lives in the sanatorium? Since you sent me to live, it means that I'm not normal in your eyes. I've always wanted to ask you, Mrs. Lin, what's wrong with me?", the fastest update of the webnovel!