You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6669

Lu Wan's lips trembled: "your father wants you to enter a good university. You have to learn martial arts..."

"Then what?" Lin Chengyou sneered at her: "just because you want me to go to a good university and I like learning martial arts, I'm not normal?"

"No, it's not," Lu Wan said anxiously. "We don't think you're abnormal. We just think you're too rebellious and disobedient. The psychologist said that there are excellent psychologists in the sanatorium. Let them help you with psychological counseling for a period of time, and you'll be obedient..."

"Do you have a son or a obedient dog?" Lin Chengyou looked at her indifferently: "you don't believe in your son, but believe in a stranger you've only seen several times. You push your son into hell with your own hands, regardless of whether your son is dead or alive!"

He stared into Lu Wan's eyes and said word by word: "you don't deserve to be my mother at all, so I want to change the custody. In the future, I have nothing to do with you and Lin Hao! If you want to keep a dog, you can have another one, I'm not!"

"No, no, it's not like this..." Lu Wan cried in horror. "Chengyou, you are my mother's only son. How can my mother care about your life or death? My mother was just cheated! The charge of that nursing home is so expensive. My mother thinks it's a good place. My mother is for you, Chengyou!"

"Oh!" Lin Chengyou sneered, "is that a good place?... OK! Since you think it's a good place, for the sake of grandparents, I'll send you when you get old!"

In this way, it also saves others from saying that he is not filial and does not provide for his parents.

They think the sanatorium is a good place, so send them.

, they must be very satisfied.

Lu Wan was not satisfied.

She's going to freak out.

She has a son. When she gets old, her son will provide for her. Why does she go to a nursing home?

She grabbed Lin Chengyou's arm and trembled: "Chengyou, don't scare mom. Mom knows it's wrong. Mom won't be like this in the future. If you want to learn martial arts, we'll learn martial arts. Mom will find the best teacher for you. You go home with mom, let's go home..."

"It's too late..." Lin Chengyou shook off her hand and said indifferently, "Mrs. Lin, have you forgotten? You just signed the agreement on the transfer of custody. Later, my guardian is lawyer Gu, which has nothing to do with you."

"No! No!" Lu Wan shook her head and screamed, "Chengyou, don't scare your mother. Your mother is such a son!"

"Don't say that," Lin Chengyou said indifferently. "You don't treat me as your son at all, and I don't have a mother like you."

"No, no... Chengyou, you can't talk to your mother like this..." she helplessly grabbed Lin Hao's arm: "Lin Hao, please persuade your son to go home with us."

Gu Yan has Lin Hao's handle. Lin Hao wants to disappear from Gu Yan immediately. How dare he talk to Gu Yan about conditions?

He surrounded Lu Wan's shoulder: "Wan Wan, don't cry. When you look after Mr. Gu, you are a man with head and face. After Chengyou follows him, we will certainly have a good future. Our conditions are poor and can't give the child a good future. Now the child has a good way out. We should be happy for the child."

Lu Wan looked at him in disbelief: "what are you talking about? Chengyou is our son, our only son!"

He came to Lu Wan's ear and whispered, "I think Chengyou and we are centrifugal, and we are not familiar with raising. Why don't we go back and have a small one, cultivate it well after birth, and be better than Chengyou when we grow up.", the fastest update of the webnovel!