You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6667

Gu Yan smiled, "there are reasons in this regard."

"Did you hear that?" Lin Hao turned to Lu Wan and said, "Mr. Gu wants Chengyou's custody because Mr. Gu cherishes talents and wants to cultivate Chengyou. Chengyou likes to practice martial arts. Mr. Gu wants to cultivate Chengyou. This is a win-win thing. I don't think we should intervene."

"What are you talking about?" Lu Wan opened her eyes in disbelief. "Chengyou is our son. We give custody of our son to others because others want to cultivate our son? Why should we let others cultivate our son? Can't we cultivate ourselves?"

She has such a son. Why should she let others cultivate her son?

They are Lin Chengyou's parents, but now Lin Chengyou's guardian has become someone else. For children who are not adults, the guardian's power is much greater than their parents.

The guardian forbids them to visit the children. They don't even have the right to look after the children!

She has such a son. She is willing to keep it by herself. She doesn't want others to take her son away.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked Gu Yan tremblingly, "what do you want to do to my son? You let him go. He's still a child and he doesn't understand anything..."

"You are an adult. Do you know everything?" Gu Yan looked at her and smiled playfully. He clicked a few times on the mobile phone screen, opened a video, and put the mobile phone on the table. "Mrs. Lin finished reading this video first, and then talk to me about your erudition."

Lu Wan looked down at her mobile phone.

At one glance, her eyes widened.

In the video, it's her son!

Her son was tied to the treatment bed. He was tied with several wide straps, and his hands and feet were bound by the straps.

Several people in white coats gathered around her son, put electrodes on his temples and gave her son an electric shock.

His son immediately screamed, and his body was tight, like a fish thrown on the shore, almost jumping up. However, the wide band bound him, and he couldn't move.

Her son screamed again and again, his face was pale, and the big cold sweat covered his whole face in an instant.

The doctor standing next to her son was like a cold-blooded animal. He asked his son coldly, "what do you like best?"

Her son didn't answer.

The doctor ordered: "intensify efforts."

The nurse twisted a little on an instrument and her son screamed louder.

The doctor asked, "what do you like?"

The answer was her son's roar, which almost broke his throat.

She looked at the screen in disbelief, covered her mouth, stared to the maximum, and her voice seemed to be blocked by something, sobbing.

Big tears slid down from her eyes. She couldn't help shaking her head: "no, it's not true... It's not true..."

Gu Yan said, "Mrs. Lin, the video is so clear. It's not true. What's it?"

Lu Wan shook her head in tears and couldn't say a word.

Gu Yan said, "this is Lin Chengyou's' treatment record ', which my colleague brought out from the sanatorium. There are many similar treatment records. Does Mrs. Lin want to have a look at them one by one?"

"No... no..." Lu Wan shook her head desperately and suddenly rushed to Lin Chengyou: "Chengyou, that's not true, isn't it? That's not true!"

Lin Chengyou looked at her indifferently and lifted his sleeves., the fastest update of the webnovel!