You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6666

Lin Chengyou turned sideways and pointed to his temple: "see here?"

His temples are a little burnt black, which is different from other skin colors.

Lu Wan asked anxiously, "Chengyou, what's the matter with your head? Knock it?"

"Knock it?" Lin Chengyou sarcastically raised the corner of his mouth: "if you don't know anything, you can completely normal you. You just don't want to obey your heart. Your son who gave up martial arts and sent him to a completely closed and strange place. Do you know how they tortured me?"

"Torture?" Lu Wan was stunned and shook his head: "no, it's not torture, it's treatment!"

"Treatment?" Lin Chengyou thought it was ridiculous. "Where do you think I need treatment?"

Lu Wan choked for a moment, "you have to learn martial arts. You don't listen to how your father and I advise you..."

"Is it a disease to have to learn martial arts? Does it need treatment?"

Lu Wan looked at Lin Hao uneasily.

She felt that learning martial arts was not a disease and did not need treatment, but Lin Hao felt that it was a disease and needed treatment.

She couldn't convince Lin Hao, but was persuaded by Lin Hao.

The psychologist who recommended them to send Lin Chengyou to the sanatorium vowed that the sanatorium was the most advanced psychological correction institution in China.

Some children are rebellious and disobedient. As long as they enter the sanatorium and promise to obey after they go out, they will listen to what their parents say and never disobey.

In fact, she thinks her son is very good, but Lin Hao thinks his son is rebellious and disobedient.

Lin Hao and she analyzed a lot of consequences after learning martial arts, such as it is difficult to find a job after graduation. She thinks it makes sense.

Moreover, the cost of the sanatorium is very expensive and needs to spend a lot of money. Although their family situation is good, they can take out such a large amount of money at once, which makes her feel that Lin Hao really cares about Lin Chengyou and is willing to spend such a large amount of money to send Lin Chengyou to the sanatorium for the sake of Lin Chengyou's future.

Lin Hao is Lin Chengyou's biological father. How could he harm his son?

He must have done it for the good of his son.

On this thought, she compromised.

She has been gentle since childhood. She listened to her parents before she married Lin Hao and after she married Lin Hao.

She is busy with her work and spends less time with Lin Chengyou. It is not because she wants to be a strong woman and ignores her family, but because Lin Hao hopes that she can be promoted, and her ability is limited. She has no hope of promotion by ability. She can only brush her goodwill by diligence. She wants to take charge of the company and spend 24 hours in the company.

Lin Chengyou is raised by her parents. She feels at ease. She doesn't care about her children. She is more free and can work at ease.

She is a person without self. She listens to whatever Lin Hao says.

Even if she felt that she was distressed and worried about sending her son to a closed sanatorium, Lin Hao insisted and she agreed.

Now, facing Lin Chengyou's question, she can't find a retort. She can only look at Lin Hao and hope Lin Hao can help her explain.

Lin Hao doesn't want to say anything now.

He doesn't want this son anymore. He just wants to act as if nothing has happened. The other party let him go and help him keep Yao Ning's secret.

He made up his mind and tried to squeeze out a smile. "Mr. Gu, let me guess, you took Chengyou's custody under your name. Do you think Chengyou is a good seedling for practicing martial arts and hope Chengyou can continue to learn martial arts and participate in the competition?", the fastest update of the webnovel!