You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6665

"It's all for Chengyou!" Lin Hao said, "you forget that your son is missing? You can't see your son until you sign. Don't you want to see your son?"

"Who the hell are you?" Lu Wan asked Gu Yan in a trembling voice: "did you kidnap my son? Give me my son back, or I'll call the police and catch you!"

"Lin Chengyou is very good," Gu Yan finally said. "He agreed to transfer his custody to my name... I can let him talk to you."

Lu Wan was shocked. "How did Chengyou agree? How could it be? What's going on? What are you doing?"

Lin Chengyou is her son. Although she is too busy to get along with Lin Chengyou, Lin Chengyou is her only son. How can Lin Chengyou agree to transfer his custody to others?

Gu Yan didn't answer his question, but dialed Gu Yinong's mobile phone.

After chatting with Gu Yinong, he pressed the sound amplification key.

Lin Chengyou's voice sounded: "I know what lawyer Gu Yan said. I hope my custody can be transferred to lawyer Gu Yan."

His voice was cold and flat, without a trace of emotion.

"Chengyou?" Lu Wan excitedly picked up her mobile phone and shouted at her mobile phone: "Chengyou, I'm mom! Have you been kidnapped? If you're kidnapped, tell mom that mom asked the police to save you!"

"If I was kidnapped, shouldn't you sign now? If you sign, you can save my life. If you don't sign, I will be torn up," Lin Chengyou said in a cold voice without any emotion. "Call the police? They only kill me for a minute, a minute, and the police fly by?"

Lu Wan was trembling and her brain was in a mess with her mobile phone.

What the hell is going on?

Was her son kidnapped?

Well, why transfer custody?

What the hell happened?

Lin Hao grabbed the mobile phone, returned it to Gu Yan, and put the pen into her hand: "don't linger, sign quickly! What's custody? No matter what you sign, Chengyou is also your son. The top priority is to see Chengyou quickly and make sure Chengyou is safe!"

Lu Wan is a weak character and has no independent opinion. After being advised by Lin Hao, she has no idea.

Lin Hao urged several times, and she finally signed her name on the custody transfer agreement.

From the moment her name fell on the paper, she and Lin Hao lost Lin Chengyou's custody, and Lin Chengyou's guardian was changed from them to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan was very satisfied and put away the documents: "your son is next door."

Lu Wan was stunned.

Stunned for a moment, she turned and ran.

Lin Hao hesitated and followed up.

Lin Chengyou is really next door.

When she opened the door, Lu Wan rushed up crying, "Chengyou!"

Lin Chengyou, who was sitting by the window, got up and dodged. Lu Wan threw himself into the air.

Lu Wan was stunned and cried, "Chengyou, what's the matter with you? Are you okay? Have you been kidnapped?"

"I'm not kidnapped. I'm fine," Lin Chengyou asked coldly. "Are you disappointed to see me come out of the sanatorium alive?"

Lu Wan was stunned: "Chengyou, what are you talking about? Mom is worried about you. She knows you are missing. Mom is worried to death."

"Are you worried about me?" Lin Chengyou looked at her coldly. "Why are you worried about me? If you were really worried about me, you wouldn't throw me into that place! Do you know how I came here these days?", the fastest update of the webnovel!