You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6662

He was so angry that he wanted to drop his cell phone.

Angry at the same time, is uneasy.

is that true?

That sanatorium is irregular. It's a man eating devil's cave. It's going to be exposed by the media?

This kind of completely closed place is prone to accidents. He doesn't know it. He's just too anxious to change his son. He has a fluke mentality and hopes that this family is different.

According to reason, Lin Chengyou is his only son. He should love Lin Chengyou very much.

But Lin Chengyou was raised by his grandfather and grandmother. He has little time with Lin Chengyou and can't get close.

In particular, he doesn't like Lin Chengyou learning martial arts.

Lu Wan is gentle, but old man Lu is a practicing family.

After he married Lu Wan, he once drank and beat Lu Wan. As a result, old Lu beat him up. He hurt so much that he lived and died. He was raised for more than half a month.

From then on, he dared not move Lu Wan's finger.

He felt that divorce was a disgrace and affected his future, otherwise he really wanted to divorce,

He hated Master Lu, but he was afraid of Master Lu's force value and didn't dare to show it at all.

He opposed Lin Chengyou's learning martial arts. He didn't want to be beaten by Master Lu when he was young. He would be beaten by Lin Chengyou when he was old.

He knows how terrible martial arts learners are. Obviously, he is a young man and Master Lu is an old man. But he is like a chicken under Master Lu's hand. He has no ability to fight back and can only be slaughtered by Master Lu.

Because of Master Lu, he hates people who can learn martial arts. He doesn't want his son to learn martial arts.

But Master Lu said that Lin Chengyou had strange bones and was a martial arts genius. He was born to eat this bowl of rice. Despite his opposition, he took Lin Chengyou with him, taught Lin Chengyou to practice martial arts and trained Lin Chengyou to be his successor.

He hated to death, but he was afraid of Master Lu's force value. He didn't dare to say a word, but he was more and more estranged from Lin Chengyou.

Finally, when old Lu and his wife are dead, he takes Lin Chengyou to his side and hopes Lin Chengyou will follow his planned path.

Go to a good university, find a decent job and marry a matching wife. This is a decent life.

Who knows, Lin Chengyou will continue to learn martial arts and compete everywhere.

He hates martial arts and people who learn martial arts. He will never let his only son continue to practice that kind of thing!

So he persuaded Lu Wan and sent Lin Chengyou to the sanatorium with Lu Wan.

Lin Chengyou doesn't pay attention to him as a father at all, but he listens to Lu Wan. Thanks to Lu Wan, they can send Lin Chengyou in.

The psychologist who recommended them to send Lin Chengyou to the sanatorium boasted that there was nothing in the sky and nothing on the ground. Therefore, he was full of confidence. After a month or a few months, the sanatorium gave him a obedient son.

Who knows, what he waited for was not the obedient son, but the news of his son's disappearance.

Not only that, he was also scolded by his son's good friends.

This is not the most deadly thing. The most deadly thing is that his son said that the sanatorium is a man eating devil's cave and will be exposed.

If what Cheng Yuan said is true, the sanatorium is really a man eating devil's cave, and his son is sent in and known by his colleagues and leaders, it will certainly affect his reputation.

Some time ago, he vacated a principal position, and several deputies were competing for that position. Originally, he had the greatest hope.

If what Cheng Yuan said is true and this kind of thing is known by his colleagues and leaders, he must have no hope of promotion!, the fastest update of the webnovel!