You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6663

The only thing he loved most in his life was his career. Thinking that he might lose his main job he had been looking forward to for a long time because of this, he angrily scolded Lu Wan: "the little beast you gave birth to is TM to collect debts!"

"Are you insane?" Lu Wan's anxious eyes turned red. "Now I don't know where Chengyou is. Why do you scold him? It's not important to find Chengyou now?"

Lin Hao thought.


Now the most important thing is to find the little beast!

Find the little beast and tell the little beast not to talk.

As long as the little beast doesn't accept the media interview, the media will naturally report those interviewed.

His affairs can be concealed, and colleagues and leaders will not know.

"You're right," said Lin Hao. "Let's find Chengyuan. Chengyuan must know where Chengyou is!"

They were about to go out when Lin Hao's cell phone rang.

He impatiently connected his cell phone and put it in his ear, "Hello, Mr. Lin."

The other party's voice was elegant and pleasant, and he reported to his family leisurely: "my name is Gu Yan. I'm a lawyer of Gu's group. May I ask if Mr. Lin has time now? I'd like to talk to Mr. Lin about the custody of your son."

Lin Hao listened inexplicably: "Gu's group? Custody? Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Gu Yan explained: "yes, Mr. Lin, because Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin are derelict in their duties, my client Lin Chengyou is extremely disappointed with them and hopes that I will be his guardian. I hope I can have a face-to-face talk with Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin about the transfer of Lin Chengyou's custody."

Lin Hao's first reaction was that the person opposite was a Madman: "are you sick? Lin Chengyou is my son. I'm still alive. Which round did Lin Chengyou get custody of others?"

Although he doesn't like Lin Chengyou, he doesn't like Lin Chengyou any more. Lin Chengyou is also his only son. He still hopes that Lin Chengyou will give him old-age care in the future. Without custody, it's almost like breaking off the relationship between father and son. He gives Lin Chengyou's custody to others. When he gets old, who will give him old-age care?

Gu Yan smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, come and see me. I believe you will sign..."

He gave the address of a cafe and a name: "Yao Ning."

Lin Hao's body trembled like an electric shock, and his face turned white because of his anger.

"You... You..." his voice trembled, he didn't know what to say, and his mind was in confusion.

Yao Ning, is... Is the name of the woman he likes, and... Is also his colleague.

He has an affair with Yao Ning.

This is not the most deadly thing. The most deadly thing is... Yao Ning has a husband and children.

If he and Yao Ning are known by his colleagues and leaders of the company, let alone hopeless promotion, he can't even lift his head.

Also, if Yao Ning's husband knows that he has put a green hat on Yao Ning's husband, Yao Ning's husband will not let him go.

Beating him is light. If he doesn't do well, he will be ruined.

His voice was difficult: "you... How do you know?"

What happened between him and Yao Ning is very secret. Even colleagues in a unit don't know. How does the other party know?

"If you want people to know, you can't do it unless you don't do it yourself," Gu Yan said. "You don't care how I know. I hope to see Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin within half an hour. Otherwise, Mr. Lin and Ms. Yao...", the fastest update of the webnovel!