You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6661

"No, it won't!" Lu Wan's face turned pale. "Chengyou's father and I chose the best sanatorium for Chengyou. It's the sanatorium with the highest fees in the capital, or the sanatorium recommended by professional psychologists for us. It's formal. What you and you heard are nonsense."

"Really?" Cheng Yuan sneered. "Since it's so good there, why is Chengyou gone?"

Lu Wan soon realized that Cheng Yuan's attitude was wrong.

Chengyuan and Lin Chengyou have a very good relationship, just like brothers.

If Chengyuan doesn't know where Lin Chengyou is now and hears that Lin Chengyou is missing, Chengyuan must be very worried.

But now, Cheng Yuan doesn't sound worried, but ridicules her and watches a good play.

She suddenly realized that Chengyuan knew where Lin Chengyou was: "Chengyuan, you know where Chengyou is, right? Chengyuan, you quickly tell your aunt where Chengyou is and she wants to see Chengyou!"

"Why do you see him?" Cheng Yuan asked impolitely: "throw Chengyou into that kind of place that eats people? Aunt, you know? You and your husband are the most disgusting parents I've ever seen! You can't even compare with a hair of my parents!"

After that, he hung up his cell phone without waiting for Lu Wan to say anything.

Lu Wan called again. Her mobile phone number was pulled into the blacklist and couldn't get through.

She looked anxiously at Lin Hao.

When Lin Hao finished breaking with the sanatorium and hung up her cell phone, she said anxiously, "I think Chengyuan knows where Chengyou is. Chengyou may be with Chengyuan now."

"Bastard!" Lin Hao scolded fiercely. He wanted to call Chengyuan, but found that he didn't have Chengyuan's mobile phone number.

Lu Wan quickly told him Cheng Yuan's mobile phone number.

Lin Hao dialed and, after connecting, immediately asked, "where did you get Chengyou? Why did you get Chengyou out? Do you know how much money I paid to the sanatorium? If you do this, you will ruin Chengyou's future, do you know?"

"Future?" Cheng Yuan sneered. "What is your future? According to what you said, get a good university, find a job you like, and be your string puppet all your life?"

"How can you talk to me?" Lin Hao angrily scolded: "I'm Chengyou's father. Everything I do is for his good. What are you? Why do you care about my son? Tell me where Chengyou is, or I'll call the police and catch you!"

"Ouch, I'm so scared!" Cheng Yuan hehe: "but it's a pity that you're going to be disappointed. Cheng you're not with me, and it's no use calling the police. Also, for your sake and Cheng you's surname Lin, I remind you that the sanatorium you sent Cheng you to is a man eating Magic Cave. Someone called the police, and the news media began to report!"

"I know, uncle, you are a small leader and love face most. Guess, when things get big, people know that you sent your own son to the man eating devil's cave. Will others laugh at you for being stupid and scold you for being cruel?"

Cheng Yuan laughed a few times, "ouch, I'm very happy when I think about that picture!"

"Cheng Yuan!" gasped Lin Hao, "how do you talk to your elders?"

"Elder? What elder are you?" Cheng Yuan scolded, "you are rubbish! Rubbish worse than animals!"

Before Lin Hao retorted, Cheng Yuan hung up and pulled a black dragon.

When Lin Hao called again, like Lu Wan, he couldn't get through., the fastest update of the webnovel!