You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6660

Even if Lin Hao and Lu Wan have to pay a sum of money in the end, it's only a drop in the bucket compared with the loss suffered by the sanatorium.

In addition, they still have a sense of luck. They hope Lin Chengyou will go home and be with Lin Hao and Lu Wan.

If Lin Chengyou fled home without permission and is now with Lin Hao and Lu Wan, they will have no responsibility and don't have to lose money.

With such a fluke, they contacted Lin Hao and Lu Wan. Unfortunately, their hope failed.

Lin Chengyou is not with Lin Hao and Lu Wan.

Hearing that Lin Chengyou was missing, Lin Hao's first reaction was irritability and impatience: "what's wrong with you? It's not what you said. Closed treatment will help us look after our children. Why is the child missing?"

On the way to get dressed and go to work, Wan stopped: "the child is gone? What child is gone? Chengyou?"

She gave up going out and walked to Lin Hao.

The vice president of the sanatorium said, "didn't the child go home?"

"No," Lin Hao angrily asked, "what's the matter with you? We gave you the child. Where did you get my son?"

Now Lu Wan is sure that her son is missing and her anxious face is white.

From beginning to end, she didn't agree to send Lin Chengyou to the sanatorium, but Lin Hao was always strong. She couldn't control Lin Hao's decision. She had to accompany Lin Hao to send Lin Chengyou to the sanatorium.

Since Lin Chengyou entered the sanatorium, she couldn't sleep well all night. She was worried that her son would be wronged in it.

She also wanted to go to the sanatorium to visit her son without telling Lin Hao at the weekend. Now the sanatorium actually said that her son was gone!

Her son is still a child. What do you mean he's gone?




She was so frightened that her legs softened. She grabbed Lin Hao's mobile phone and asked in a trembling voice, "where's my son? What did you do to my son?"

Although her son grew up with her parents, he spent less time with her, but no matter how little time he spent with her, he was also her only son.

Now that her only son is lost, she has never had a panic.

When her son followed her parents, she asked little because she knew that as long as she went back to her parents' house, she could see it.

But now, her son is gone. If it's OK to find it, if you can't find it, you'll never see it.

She is such a son!

The more she thought, the more flustered she became. Her limbs trembled and her hands and feet were cold.

The vice president comforted her: "Mrs. Lin, don't worry. Your son left last night. He's a child. He has no money. Where can he go? If he doesn't go home, he must have gone to relatives and friends. Think about it carefully. Who does your son usually have a good relationship with? Ask quickly and you can find him back soon."

"Good relationship? Good relationship?" Lu Wan murmured, returned Lin Hao's mobile phone, took out her mobile phone and called Cheng Yuan.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. She asked in a trembling voice, "Cheng Yuan, is Chengyou with you?"

"Chengyou?" Chengyuan pretended to wonder, "aunt, why do you ask? Chengyou was sent to the sanatorium by you and your uncle?"

He sneered at the corners of his mouth, but his voice pretended to be worried: "aunt, you must listen to my advice and bring Chengyou back quickly. I heard that the sanatorium is irregular. It is a place where people eat people. Good people will be tortured crazy if they are locked in. There are four or five suicides alone. Some commit suicide in it and some commit suicide after they come out. It's terrible!", the fastest update of the webnovel!