You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6659

Halfway through his meal, the morning exercise of the trainees was over, and a group of people poured into the canteen talking and laughing.

He looked along the voice. Most of them were teenagers like him, talking and laughing in groups. The smile on his face was as bright as the sun outside the window.

At this moment, he was completely at ease.

The smiles on the students' faces are so bright that it can be seen that they are very satisfied with their life here.

This may not be a good place for children whose parents love them and their families are happy.

But for children like him who have been abandoned by their parents and have parents, it is better to have no parents. This is heaven.

"Brother Yinong." he looked at Gu Yinong sitting opposite him.

"Hmm?" Gu Yinong looked up at him.

"I want to join here..." he asked nervously, "what do you need me to do?"

"Don't make a hasty decision first," Gu Yinong said with a smile. "You stay for a while and wait until you completely settle down. If you still want to join us, you need to sign a contract. At that time, we can give you a sum of money. You can find a lawyer for yourself and study the agreement carefully. If you think there is no problem, you can sign a contract."

He patted Lin Chengyou on the shoulder. "We have the best conditions in all aspects, but one requirement is loyalty. As long as we sign the contract, we need to have 100% loyalty to our family. We can't be two hearted and betrayal. Therefore, we must love and I will, and don't be forced."

Lin Chengyou nodded seriously: "OK, brother Yinong, I know. I'll think about it."

"OK," Gu Yinong said with a smile, "hurry to eat. It's not delicious when it's cold."

Having had enough to eat, Lin Chengyou walked out of the canteen and looked at the vast training ground outside. Lin Chengyou felt that his heart was free.

Blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters, far away from the noise, like an independent paradise.

If he can live in such a place and spend his youth when he can't control his life by himself, he is definitely lucky.

Clenched his fist, he secretly determined that he must perform well and strive to stay here!

On the other hand, after the sanatorium found Lin Chengyou missing, it searched the sanatorium and found no one.

After confirming Lin Chengyou's disappearance, they contacted Lin Chengyou's father Lin Hao and mother Lu Wan and informed them that Lin Chengyou was missing.

For them, they really want to hide it from Lin Hao and Lu Wan.

After all, the child disappeared in their sanatorium, which is responsible for it.

They are afraid that Lin Hao and Lu Wan will make trouble, or the lion will blackmail them.

They want to find Lin Chengyou in private without notifying Lin Hao and Lu Wan to resolve the storm.

But after weighing again and again, they decided to inform Lin Hao and Lu Wan.

Because they are afraid of Lin Chengyou contacting the media.

There are too many and convenient media now.

What they do is sensitive. If they are known by the media, the media will be interested and report it.

If they really go to the media, even if they don't close the sanatorium, they will close down for rectification, and the losses will be immeasurable.

For the person in charge of the sanatorium, the sanatorium is a golden chicken that can lay golden eggs. He is reluctant to have an accident in the sanatorium.

Lin Chengyou is only one person. His parents voluntarily sent Lin Chengyou here. Even if Lin Chengyou is missing, they only face Lin Hao and Lu Wan, which is much easier than facing a large number of media., the fastest update of the webnovel!