You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6658

Gu Yinong nodded, "yes."

Lin Chengyou asked, "is it really good here?"

"Compare with who," Gu Yinong said. "If you want to compare with our young master and young master Biao, there must be no comparison. After all, young master and young master Biao are the masters. We serve people, but compared with those people in the sanatorium, we live in heaven..."

He smiled and patted Lin Chengyou on the shoulder, "is that right?"

"Yes," Lin Chengyou nodded, hesitated for a moment and asked, "then... Brother Nong, why did you come to the training camp?"

"Me?" Gu Yinong said after a moment of silence: "when I was a child, I looked particularly beautiful and more beautiful than girls... I have been in the orphanage since I remember. When I was seven, I was adopted. My adoptive father was well-dressed and looked like a successful person, but he treated me..."

Speaking of this, he shook his head and smiled. He tilted his head and looked at Lin Chengyou: "do you understand?"

Lin Chengyou doesn't quite understand.

He guessed, "your adoptive father abused you?"

Gu Yinong, with a shallow smile on his lips, looked at the trainees in the distance and looked careless: "it should be said that he not only abused me, but also wanted to do more things."

His adoptive father was well dressed and looked like a dog. He was not even an animal behind his back.

During the day, he works under great pressure and welcomes people with a smiling face.

At night, he vented all the pressure he suffered during the day on him.

In his adoptive father's house for just half a year, he was black and blue. Even after his adoptive father was drunk once, he wanted to invade him.

He ran out and ran to the welfare home for help. When the Dean saw his scars, he burst into tears.

That night, he had a high fever and was sent to the hospital.

He was badly hurt and it would take a lot of money to cure him.

It happened that the family members who funded their welfare home all year round went to their welfare home to send things.

The dean asked for help from his family before he was saved. The beast in clothes was also brought to justice.

Gu Yinong looked at him with a smile. Although he looked a little sad, his eyes were clear and clear without a trace of haze: "I don't know what outsiders think of us, but for each member of the training camp, the training camp is lucky and redemption. Taking care of our family is our eternal and most important home."

Lin Chengyou nodded and didn't speak, but he was very sure that the training camp was definitely not like a sanatorium.

While chatting, they walked slowly to the canteen.

The students haven't finished their morning exercises and the canteen hasn't opened yet.

Gu Yinong took Lin Chengyou to the rice window: "what do you want to eat? Just order."

Looking at the delicious food in the window, Lin Chengyou swallowed his saliva without trace.

Gu Yinong smiled: "you're welcome to eat anything. It's free."

Lin Chengyou was a little embarrassed and asked for a rougamo and a milk yellow bag.

The master who cooked for him was amiable: "teenage boy, how can you eat enough?"

As the master said, he added two golden rolls and two Europa to him, and put together a dish for him with a fast-food plate. He also filled him with a bowl of stomach nourishing porridge.

The master handed him the atherosclerotic bowl and said happily, "young man, you don't look very good. Drink more stomach nourishing porridge and eat less snacks. You'll be good soon!"

Ordinary words, but Lin Chengyou's eyes are full of tears.

A stranger who meets by chance treats him better than his biological father.

"Thank you!" he endured the tears in his eyes, took the plate and sat down casually.

Soon, Gu Yinong also came up with a plate full of food and sat down in front of him.

Lin Chengyou had already eaten a few mouthfuls and almost swallowed his tongue.

He was more certain that this was definitely not a place to imprison people.

Which place to imprison people is willing to make such delicious food for their prisoners!, the fastest update of the webnovel!