You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6653

After Qiao Zui left, Gu Chi sorted out his ideas and called Gu Qi: "Xiao Qi, please help me check the details of Lin Hao and Lu Wan. The more detailed the better. The most important thing is to check whether the two people have any handle."

Although Lin Hao and Lu Wan are not human beings and toss their only son to death, anyway, Lin Chengyou is the only son of Lin Chengyou and Lu Wan. If the Gu family wants someone from them, they probably won't respond without their handle.

Also, they took Lin Chengyou out of the sanatorium, which will contact Lin Hao and Lu Wan.

Catch Lin Hao and Lu Wan's handle and let Lin Hao and Lu Wan tell the sanatorium that Lin Chengyou was picked up by them, so that the sanatorium will not call the police.

Although they take care of their family and are not afraid of trouble, after all, their father's identity is special. They still don't publicize their work. The lower the key, the better.

After chatting with Gu Qi, shortly after hanging up his cell phone, a private message came in his cell phone.

The content of the private message sent by their young master is to let him pay attention to the sanatorium. If the sanatorium goes too far, it is indeed a black heart sanatorium. Let him look for evidence and give it to the police or the media to bring the sanatorium.

He replied "yes, young master", ordered all his hands, left the carving time and went straight to the sanatorium.

After arriving at the sanatorium, they didn't all enter immediately, but stepped on the spot first.

Gu Chi sent a team member to sneak into the sanatorium to understand the internal situation of the sanatorium.

However, in more than an hour, through the information transmitted by the team member who sneaked into the sanatorium, Gu Chi clearly touched the internal structure and personnel composition of the sanatorium.

Then he assigned tasks and performed task deduction.

At two o'clock in the morning, he sneaked into the nursing home with two men.

For ordinary people, the security measures of the nursing home are very strict. They can't enter the nursing home unless the people in the nursing home allow them.

But for Gu Chi, entering such a small sanatorium is almost like playing hide and seek with children. It is not challenging at all.

The three entered the sanatorium smoothly and met with the team member who had sneaked in earlier.

After wandering around the sanatorium for several hours, the team member had already found out Lin Chengyou's room. After meeting with Gu Chi, he led the way and took Gu Chi to the door of Lin Chengyou's room.

The other two team members, stay outside and watch.

Lin Chengyou's room is a single room with a small area. The door number is hung at the door. The door has no glass and the door lock is tight.

The team member named Yinong took out a piece of iron wire, inserted it into the keyhole, played with it a few times, and the door lock opened.

He stayed at the door and watched. Gu Chi entered alone.

There was no light in the room, and the thick black curtains were pulled. There was no light at all.

Gu Chi took out his mobile phone, clicked the screen and looked around with the light on the screen.

There was nothing in the room but a bed.

On the narrow and short bed, a teenager is bound with the kind of binding band used to bind mental patients.

The boy's legs, abdomen and chest were tightly bound on the bed by the binding belt. The boy's bound body was straight, like a mummy.

The young man's mouth was stuffed with something, and his eyes seemed not to adapt to the sudden light. He narrowed slightly and looked at him., the fastest update of the webnovel!