You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6654

Gu Chi walked over and said softly, "I'm Chengyuan's friend."

The boy's eyes grew up suddenly.

With the light of his mobile phone, Gu Chi looked at his face carefully. It was Lin Chengyou and didn't find the wrong person.

He then whispered, "now I'll take out what's in your mouth. Don't make a sound. If you can understand me, nod your head."

He was afraid that the boy had been turned into a neuropathy. He took things out of the boy's mouth and the boy shouted for help. It was bad.

The boy stared at him and nodded.

Gu Chi took out the mess in his mouth, "Chengyuan asked us to save you. Would you like to go with us?"

Lin Chengyou nodded without hesitation.

Gu Chi said softly, "we'll take you out of here. In order to avoid the sanatorium calling the police, we'll inform your father that you're with us. At that time, you need to admit that you escaped from the sanatorium yourself. Are you willing to bear it?"

Lin Chengyou nodded again without hesitation.

His eyes were fixed on Gu Chi. His eyes were full of tension for fear that Gu Chi would not save him.

When he got the answer he wanted, Gu Chi helped him untie the bondage.

Lin Chengyou wanted to sit up from bed, but he was numb all over and couldn't move for half a sound.

Gu Chi gave him a moderate massage to help him restore blood circulation.

Lin Chengyou moved his lips and said a few inaudible "thank you".

After he can go down to the ground, Gu Chi wants to take him away.

When he reached the door, Lin Chengyou suddenly stopped, lowered his voice and said, "there is monitoring."

"Don't worry," Gu Chi chuckled, "the monitoring has been destroyed."

Otherwise, they would have been discovered long ago. How could it be so smooth?

Lin Chengyou was still very nervous until he was taken out of the sanatorium by Gu Chi.

Fortunately, he practiced martial arts since childhood. He was determined and agile. He did not scream or do anything carelessly.

A group of people left the sanatorium unconsciously.

Sitting in the family car, the car sped, and the sanatorium was far behind, farther and farther.

Lin Chengyou turned to see the sanatorium farther and farther away from him. He trembled after he knew it.

Three days.

Only three days!

In just three days, he was rescued.

But the short three days were like hell for him. Life was better than death.

He was sent to the sanatorium by his parents. After his parents left, he was tied to the treatment bed by the sanatorium staff.

The staff of the hospital asked him what he liked best. He said he liked martial arts and competition best. The staff of the hospital shocked him with an electric shock.

He couldn't use words to describe the feeling of being shocked. It was like... His flesh, blood and bones were torn by something, which hurt him to death.

When he practiced martial arts since childhood, he always felt that he was a man with firm will and was not afraid of pain. The pain of electric shock made him shed physiological tears uncontrollably, and his whole body was convulsed.

He didn't want to give in, so after the electric shock, the staff asked him what he liked best, and he still answered martial arts training and competition.

The staff gave him a second electric shock.

This time, he fainted with pain.

When he woke up, he was locked up in a small black room. The whole person was bound on the bed like a mummy wrapped in bandages and couldn't move.

His mouth was stuffed with rags and he couldn't make a sound.

There was no one, no light, nothing in the room. It was quiet and crazy,

He seems to have been abandoned by the whole world, and he is suffering from inhuman torture every minute and every second.

He can only force himself to sleep.

Only when he is asleep can he feel better.

But the more he wanted to sleep, the more he couldn't sleep.

His uncomfortable head seemed to explode, but he was stuck in place and couldn't move.

I don't know how long later, the staff came in, connected an electric shock to his body, took out the rag in his mouth and asked him what he liked best., the fastest update of the webnovel!