You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6652

"..." Gu Cheng scratched his head... What does Qiao Shao mean by this.

Gu Chi glanced at him, "say you're bored!"

Gu Cheng: "


He thinks he's interesting.

Otherwise, how can we take care of so many talents? Their young master likes him and brother Chi best.


He's the most interesting!

"Go, don't make trouble here!" Gu Chi elbowed him and said to Qiao Zui, "master Biao, I want to do it tonight. Let others go first and get people out of the sanatorium first. That place is more terrible than prison. Normal people have to go crazy to get in. If the child stays in the house for one more day, he will suffer another day."

"That's what I mean," Qiao Zui said. "But how are you going to get him out? The place is completely closed. My men once wanted to see the child and were blocked out. They said that no one was allowed to visit except the child's parents."

Gu Chi thought for a moment and said, "other methods are too slow. Let's just steal people out."

With their ability to take care of their family, they stole a child from a small sanatorium. It was like walking around after dinner. It was a piece of cake.

"I'm sure you stole it," Qiao Zui said. "But have you ever thought about calling the police if the sanatorium finds that the child is lost?"

Gu Chi shook his head: "I don't think he dare to call the police! In that place, he is most afraid of making things big and entering the public eye. Probably, he will only negotiate with Lin Hao privately, saying that Lin Chengyou ran away and asked Lin Hao to find someone himself. The probability of calling the police is very small."

"If the other party is a normal person, it's true," Qiao Zui said, "but don't forget that people think differently. What if the other party is 250? I agree with you to go in and steal people, but after all, it's inconsistent with the law. If the police intervene in the investigation, the matter will become big and the old man will know..."

His grandfather hates breaking the law.

If his grandfather knew, his grandfather would be angry.

"Well..." Gu Chi coughed twice. "Actually, I don't think it's illegal for us to do this. They open a nursing home, not a prison. Why restrict Lin Chengyou's personal freedom and prevent Lin Chengyou from contacting the outside world? Even if the police intervene in the investigation, let Lin Chengyou say he left voluntarily, and we didn't kidnap him, so we have no legal responsibility?"

Joe thought drunk and nodded, "it makes sense!"

He took that nursing home too seriously.

He said that if he didn't let people out, he wouldn't let people out. Why?

If Lin Chengyou really has mental problems, it's all right. But it's clear that Lin Chengyou is a normal child. It's reasonable to leave the sanatorium. What qualifications does the sanatorium have to call the police?

Even if they call the police, there is no charge against them.

Joe felt relieved when he was drunk and patted Gu Chi on the shoulder. "OK, I'll leave it to you. I'll send Cheng Fang to cooperate with you later."

Cheng Fang's brother is Cheng Yuan. Cheng Yuan is Lin Chengyou's best friend.

It was because Chengyuan ran to Chengfang for help and asked Chengfang to save Lin Chengyou that he knew Lin Chengyou was such a person.

Gu Chi nodded, "OK, master Biao, don't worry. I'll save the child tonight. You can see him at our house tomorrow."

"I don't worry about your work," Qiao Zui stood up and said, "come on, I'll pick up Xiaomi.", the fastest update of the webnovel!