You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6651

"It's selfish!" Ye Xingbei shook his head and said, "all roads lead to Rome! Lin Chengyou has talent in martial arts. He has won the national championship at a young age. As you said, give him time and opportunity, and his achievements may be unlimited in the future. Why force him to abandon martial arts and follow the literature?"

"Who says not?" Qiao Zui said, "I also think that father is a wonderful flower. Generally speaking, there are all kinds of birds when the forest is big. Lin Hao is not a good bird."

Ye Xingbei: "

Qiao Zui looked at Gu Junzhu and said, "what's up? Little uncle, are you interested in Lin Chengyou? If you are interested, send someone to contact him and save him from the sanatorium. He will certainly thank you. He will be our family in the future!"

Gu Junzhu handed Qiao Zui's mobile phone to Ye Xingbei: "are you interested?"

Ye Xingbei received his mobile phone and carefully watched the video.

This is a three minute competition video. In the video, the young man in white practice clothes is young, but very calm and steady. His posture is unique to the young man. He is thin, straight and straight, like a small tree full of vitality.

A beautiful face looks like a beautiful jade carving, with clear and bright eyes, calm and firm eyes, and a kind of precipitation maturity incompatible with his age.

This is a child who makes people feel good at first sight. Ye Xingbei can't understand why there are so cruel parents in the world who don't like children who look so good.

After watching the video, ye Xingbei returned his mobile phone to Qiao Zui and said to Gu Junzhu, "if it's convenient, help him."

Even if the child has other ideals, he can't become their family bodyguard in the end. Ye Xingbei also hopes they can help the child.

The child's eyes are clear and clean. He doesn't know the world at first sight. He is a very clean child.

He shouldn't have been tortured like adults.

"OK," Gu Wuye, who spoiled his wife, immediately called Gu Chi: "Xiao Chi, there is a child named Lin Chengyou. If possible, develop him into the future bodyguard of our family. I will ask Xiao Qiao to tell you the details. You can ask Xiao Qi to cooperate with you and get this thing done as soon as possible."

If we get things done early, the child can get out of trouble early.

"OK, young master!" Gu Chi's voice sounded a little excited. "I like to pick up talents from our house best. I promise to complete the task!"

Gu Jun smiled one by one, hung up his cell phone and looked at Qiao Zui, "tell Xiaochi all the information you know."

"OK," said Joe drunk, "when I'm full, I'll go to him and talk to him face to face."

Unconsciously, the family changed the topic and stopped talking about Lin Chengyou, but chatted casually.

After dinner, Qiao Zui went to the bodyguard building, found Gu Chi and handed over all the information about Lin Chengyou to Gu Chi.

Gu Chi frowned after reading it: "this father is not a thing, is it? His mother is not very good."

Gu Cheng, who was taking part in the fun, said, "it's worse than I have no parents!"

After a pause, he said, "maybe my parents are not things than his parents, so I didn't have parents since I was a child. Since my parents are not things than his parents, I'm lucky I didn't have parents!"

Joe Zui: "... Are you talking about tongue twisters?"

"No," Gu Cheng laughed, "I have feelings."

Joe Zui: "you are really an interesting person.", the fastest update of the webnovel!