You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6650

"This is also one of the reasons why I came to find my little uncle today," Qiao Zui looked at Gu Junzhu: "little uncle, I watched the child's game video. The child is very handsome. Although he is only 15 years old, he is already a rare handsome boy with a smooth face. When he grows up, he will be a proper prince charming!"

"Moreover, the eyes are clear, and the reputation among teachers and students is also very good. I think, if you like your little uncle, it's better to recruit into your command and be a close bodyguard for xiaoshumiao in the future, which is definitely a good embryo!"

He said as he handed the video to Gu Junzhu.

Between people, there must be such things as eye fate.

His men let him watch the video of the child's game, and he liked it at a glance.

The child's martial arts practice is also very good. It can be seen that he has special talent. He is already very powerful at a young age. A 15-year-old boy does not lose the game against five adults. It can be said that he is gifted.

With such good qualifications, if you find him a good master and give him time and space for development, he will definitely be a peerless master when he grows up!

In particular, now that child is in a desperate situation. If anyone pulls him at this time, he will be loyal with all his heart.

Such children are very suitable for their family!

After seeing this video, he didn't even want to eat with misheng. He immediately came to his little uncle.

Joe drunk himself is not a mortal. The person he can see must be superior.

After watching the video, Gu Junzhu also thought the child was good, "what's his name? What's the situation at home?"

"His name is Lin Chengyou. He is the only child in the family," Qiao Zui said. "His father's name is Lin Hao. He is a small leader of a public office. His mother's name is Lu Wan. He is a property officer of a cosmetics company. His family conditions are medium and above."

"The child you said is the only child?" Ye Xingbei said inconceivably, "he is the only child. His parents are willing to send him to that place? His parents... Are there illegitimate children outside?"

Want to kill the legitimate son so that the illegitimate son can inherit the family property?

Not right.

How much property can an ordinary family inherit?

As for killing your own son?

"I don't know much about the specific situation," Qiao Zui shook his head and said, "I just listened to my men. His brother told him that Lin Chengyou's parents don't have a good relationship. Lin Chengyou's father is very cold to him. The only requirement for him is to study well. He wants to enter a famous university and honor his ancestors for the Lin family."

"But Lin Chengyou liked to learn martial arts since he was a child. Lin Chengyou's grandfather was a martial arts coach. Lin Chengyou followed his grandfather when he was a child."

"Lin Hao once went to his grandfather's house to make trouble against Lin Chengyou's martial arts practice. He was beaten by his grandfather. His grandfather died last year, and Lin Chengyou returned to his parents."

Ye Xingbei frowned: "isn't Lin Hao angry with Lin Chengyou's grandfather because he was beaten by Lin Chengyou's grandfather, but he can't beat Lin Chengyou's grandfather, so he can only vent his hatred on Lin Chengyou after Lin Chengyou's grandfather dies?"

Joe nodded and said, "it's possible."

"Lin Hao is also too bad?" Ye Xingbei is creepy. "Lin Chengyou is his own son. Tiger poison doesn't eat children!"

"He probably doesn't think he's eating his son?" Qiao Zui said. "He may think it's wrong to practice martial arts. It's the right way to enter a famous university. Therefore, he thinks it's good for his son to send his son to the rehabilitation center.", the fastest update of the webnovel!