You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6646

"It's such a truth," Lin wanyang said with a smile, "but our boss has to be rich and generous to give such a long holiday without deducting his salary."

Ye Xingbei smiled and said, "yes, women should be considerate of women... By the way, how's Jiajia? Is she okay?"

"I look good and feel good," Lin wanyang said. "Divorce is nothing now. I heard that the divorce rate in one city is higher than the marriage rate."

Abortion may be more sad, but if the husband is not a good person, it is not a good thing to give birth to the child.

The husband is not a good thing. If the child is gone, it will be cleaner if it is patted and scattered.

"Yes," said Ye Xingbei deeply, "I've also heard that divorce is not the end of the world. The girls in our store are the best. We can certainly find people who cherish them more in the future."

Lin wanyang smiled and said, "I think so too!... boss, if you have nothing else to do, I'll go to work."

"Go." Ye Xingbei smiled and watched her leave.

When Lin wanyang went away, she went to the stone table and opened the packing bag.

There is a beautiful packing box in the packing bag. In the box are twelve kittens with different looks and charming looks.

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie, who are playing in the distance, see it and run over.

Xiaojiang reached out and picked up one: "so cute!"

Small thank you also grabbed one: "Wow!"

Ye Xingbei: "


Her little son is so easy!

Xiaojiang asked Gu Yuhan to hold him on the stone bench, touch this and look at that. He couldn't put it down: "Mom, cats are so cute!"

Thank you for your little meat hand holding the little cat and saying, "but love!"

Ye Xingbei: "

Why does a mother's twin, her youngest son, speak so hard?

Is it because of fraternal twins?


Her second and youngest sons are fraternal twins. When they were born, they were not very obvious. Now they are becoming more and more obvious.

Xiaojiang looks more like Gu Junzhu, and Xiaoxie looks more like her. Although the two children are twins, they look only four or five alike.

Why does she look like Mr. Gu's Xiaojiang with a small mouth that can say everything? She looks like her little thank you. She's so... Clumsy?



Her little son won't hear it.

Although this is a fact, she can't let her little son hear it, so as not to hurt her little son's self-esteem.

Her youngest son didn't speak as neatly as her second son because he followed her?


In fact, it doesn't matter at all. Whether her son speaks neatly or not is her baby son.

Three sons, even if one is a top genius and the other is a little stupid little fool, have the same position in her mind.

She will be the king of water. She will carry the water flat and won't be partial to any one.

As for Mr. Gu

She felt that although Mr. Gu loved the twins very much, what he loved most was Xiaoshu.

Probably because Mr. Gu lost the first five years of Xiaoshu's growth, he always had regrets and guilt in his heart, hoping to make up for it, so he was especially good to Xiaoshu.

She can understand this and has no opinion.

Xiaoshu is the eldest son and grandson of the family. It is also right to pay more attention to him. He should establish his authority in the eyes of his brothers early and be good to their brothers.

Moreover, Xiaoshu looks like an elder brother. Many years later, when she and Gu Wuye get old, Xiaoshu will help them take care of their younger brothers.

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