You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6645

"Why are you talking so much today?" Tang Sinian looked at her suspiciously. "My mother gave you money again to urge you to get married?"

Tang Jiajia laughed and made a face at him: "I won't tell you!"

"If you don't tell me, I also guessed that every time my mother sees that someone else's son has a girlfriend, she is anxious and gives you money to help her as a lobbyist." Downes shook his head: "you still hope I don't talk about girlfriends. If I talk about girlfriends, you'll lose a way to make money."

Tang Jiajia cut, "I'm not such an open-minded person!... forget it, I won't tell you. The packaging is too ugly to match such a cute kitten. I'm going to get a new packaging."

The next day, Tang Jiajia took her kitten to work.

She deliberately went more than ten minutes earlier, avoided other employees and went to Lin wanyang's office.

She knows that Lin wanyang is very dedicated and often lives in the staff dormitory of carving time. Even if she goes home, she will come half an hour early in the morning.

Knocking at the door, she put two bags on Lin wanyang's desk: "manager, I'm going to cancel my leave. This is a gift I brought to you and the boss. It's not worth any money, but it's very cute. I hope you like it."

"Jiajia, you look good!" Lin wanyang stood up and looked at the bag: "you're too polite. What gift do you bring?"

"Yes," Tang Jiajia said with a smile, "I don't have a job. The store pays me back. I'm very embarrassed. Buy some small gifts. Thank you and the boss for your light."

"It's a rule of the store. Every employee is like this," Lin wanyang said. "I can only say that the welfare in our store is good, which has nothing to do with me."

As a private shop, abortion gives half a month's leave without deducting a penny's salary. Such shops can be said to be quite conscientious. It is estimated that there are few in Beijing.

"Don't be polite to me, manager!" Tang Jiajia pushed the packing bag in front of her. "I've already bought one. I have one myself. If you don't accept it, you'll waste it. Please hand it over to the boss."

"Well, I'll thank you on behalf of the boss!" Lin wanyang said, "but this time, it won't be an example!"

"OK, I see!" said Tang Jiajia. "Then I'll go to work, manager."

The gift was sent out and a worry was settled. Tang Jiajia left happily.

Lin wanyang took one of the two bags and went to the backyard.

Ye Xingbei is basking in the yard with Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie.

Calculate the time. It's due in more than 20 days.

Even if she was born 20 days earlier, the child was mature, not premature, which made her feel much more stable.

Pregnant twins, the most afraid thing is premature birth, the child is born before maturity, and the survival rate will be very low.

Now, she has passed that dangerous period. Every day in the future, no matter which day she starts, she is ripe.

Very reassuring.

Seeing Lin wanyang coming, she smiled and took a few steps forward: "wanyang."

"Boss," Lin wanyang walked up to her and handed her the packing bag with a smile, "Jiajia sent you one, and I also one. He said that he thanked us for giving her such a long holiday and didn't deduct her salary."

"What can I thank you for?" Ye Xingbei said: "they are all women. It's not easy to work outside. If you miscarry and don't take good care of it in order to make money, you won't be well if you hurt your body.", the fastest update of the webnovel!