You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6647

The children were hot for three minutes. Although the kitten was very cute, they didn't like it after playing for a while and ran out to play again.

Ye xingbeiyuan wanted to put them away. Later, Gu Junzhu didn't move them before he saw them.

In the yard, the sun is bright, the breeze is gentle, the shadows of trees are whirling, and twelve naive kittens are placed on the stone table under the tree, which adds a bit of interest to the beautiful and quiet courtyard.

When Gu Junzhu came back from work in the afternoon, he saw his wife sitting on the recliner next to the stone table with her eyes closed. There were more than a dozen lovely kittens on the stone table. Nearby, Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie were playing with black Maomao.

For a moment, eight words flashed through his mind: live and work in peace and contentment, years are quiet and good.

Everything is so perfect. Just looking at it, it's like drinking a mouthful of honey and sweet into the viscera.

He stood there and looked quietly for a moment before he walked over.

Ye Xingbei didn't sleep. He heard footsteps and opened his eyes.

Seeing Gu Junzhu, she didn't move and smiled softly: "I'm back."

Gu Jun walked up to her with a smile. He only felt that hearing these three gentle words, his fatigue was swept away.

"Hmm!" he bent down, supported the handle of the recliner with both hands, and kissed Ye Xingbei on his forehead: "come in, the wind is a little cold today. Be careful of catching a cold."

"It's all right. I covered the blanket," he said. Ye Xingbei stood up obediently. "Do you think the little cat is cute?"

She picked up a kitten and handed it to Gu Junzhu.

"Cute," Gu Jun chuckled, "who sent it?"

"It's from Jiajia," said Ye Xingbei. "Her vacation is over and she's back to work."

"Well," Gu Jun turned around the kitten one by one. "Just like it."

"I like it very much!" Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "but it will be everywhere by Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie in a few days. I'll put them in our exhibition hall when you come back and have a look."

They received more and more gifts. Mr. Gu specially opened several rooms and built a large exhibition hall like a jewelry store. They can put the gifts given to them by others and to her by Mr. Gu in the exhibition hall.

She goes to see it occasionally on a whim.

She is pregnant with children, so it is inconvenient to go out. She can see what she likes at home, but she doesn't have to go out.

It's not only safe, but also convenient to see it whenever you want.

"Good." Gu Junzhu always responds to her requests.

Two people put away the kitten and sent the kitten into the exhibition hall.

Ye Xingbei once heard that many people are addicted to collecting.

Some people like to collect calligraphy and paintings, while others like to collect lipstick, limited edition clothes, cars and handmade clothes.

She didn't have anything special to love, but she found that she should also be a collector.

Because she found that seeing more and more things in her exhibition hall, she had a special sense of achievement. I like to come here when I'm free.

Gu Junzhu saw the joy in her eyes and rubbed her head with a smile.

The exhibition hall is arranged correctly. It's like there's another scenic spot at home. Ye Xingbei often comes here for a walk.

Moreover, there are many things ye Xingbei likes. She will be in a good mood after reading it.

When his wife is in a good mood, he is in a good mood., the fastest update of the webnovel!