You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6644

"Isn't it?" said Tang Sinian proudly, "don't you trust me?"

A few days ago, his sister said that she took half a month off and didn't deduct money from the store. She was a little embarrassed and wanted to bring some gifts to the boss and manager, but she didn't know what to bring.

He remembered that some time ago, a colleague of his helped his wife buy a batch of small ornaments of the Forbidden City cat.

The small ornaments are only one-third the size of the palm. The twelve kittens have different shapes, charming and lifelike. Some lie down and some sit. They are especially cute. He feels good as a big man, and girls must have no resistance.

At that time, he wanted to get a set for his sister, but then his sister divorced. He was in no mood for the moment and forgot.

Just now, I got three sets, one for each of his sister and his sister's boss and manager.

So he asked his men to buy three sets for him.

It's not something of special value, but what the kitten does is really cute. Tang Jiajia likes it at a glance.

She packed the kittens in groups of twelve, hugged Tang Sinian's arm and said, "brother, you are the best, you are the best brother in the world!"

"If only you knew!" Downes Nian scraped the tip of her nose. "My brother is so good. You remember to go to my brother's lawyer's office at the weekend and send some delicious food to my brother, and let others know that I have such a beautiful, virtuous and lovely sister."

Let his sister go on a blind date. His sister certainly won't go. We can only use this method to deceive his sister into his lawyer's office, and then shout his hair over and let them "meet by chance".

More contact between two people may lead to love over time!

Tang Jiajia doesn't know her brother's naughty intestines. She only knows that her brother is so kind!

The best brother in the world!

It's just... Why doesn't she have a girlfriend with such a good brother?

So she tilted her head and asked, "brother, you're so good. Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"What else can it be because of?" Tang Sinian rubbed her head: "of course, it's because your brother has high vision!... of course, it's also possible that fate hasn't come yet."

"Let me introduce you to a brother?" Tang Jiajia said: "there are many beautiful, lovely, knowledgeable, gentle, beautiful, innocent and kind-hearted little sisters in our store! Spring flowers and Autumn Moon, fat and thin, everything. I can help you find whichever you like!"

Tang Sinian: "... Thank you, but I'm too busy. I don't have time now. I'll talk about it later."

"Do you think my colleagues are definitely not suitable for you?" Tang Jiajia glanced. "Don't underestimate my colleagues. Although most of my colleagues are girls from ordinary families, there are also several golden ladies! Our family can't beat our family's flattery because of their rich family background."

Tang Sinian: "... I don't think so. If people are as good as my sister, what's the origin?"

Tang Jiajia couldn't help laughing: "brother, how can you talk? It's incredible that you don't have a girlfriend."

"What's incredible?" said Tang Sinian. "My girlfriend can row from the south of the city to the north of the city, but there's nothing I like, okay?"

"Will you take me to work tomorrow?" Tang Jiajia took his arm and said, "go and see the ladies and sisters in my store. If you like something, I'll help you pull the strings! Fate is such a thing. Maybe you'll fall in love with a little sister when you look back?", the fastest update of the webnovel!