You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 664

"Ye Xingbei, ye Xingbei!" Jiang Siyou stares at Ye Xingbei, as if to stare his eyes out of his eyes.

Just saw the naked "Ye Xingbei" was not yelled by her how happy, now see the bright Ye Xingbei standing in front of her, how painful she is.

Just now, she thought that she had mastered the dignity and life and death of Ye Xingbei, and she was the winner.

Now, ye Xingbei is standing beside Gu Junzhu, as noble as the queen, but she is going to jail.

It's not fair.

Everything Ye Xingbei has should be hers.

It was Ye Xingbei who took everything from her.

"It's all you! It's you who robbed me of everything. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to die with you! " She struggled to stand up and rushed to Ye Xingbei.

She is still five or six steps away from ye Xingbei, so she is kicked on her belly by snow and flies out again.

Her body fell heavily to the ground and spat out blood.

She lay on the ground and couldn't move. After a long time, she turned over and lay on her back.

This time, instead of struggling to get up, she looked at the roof and burst into tears. She murmured: "Ye Xingbei, it's you who have done me harm. You will be punished. You will go to hell..."

Ye Xing took a few steps to the north and asked, "what did I do to you? You took my place and became Miss Jiang, not me. "

"It's you who set me up again and again, defame me me with little trees, and drive me out of the Jiang family. It's not me who drove you away."

"You cheated me to return home and marry Gu Junzhu with the news that my grandfather was seriously ill, but I didn't cheat you So, I'm curious, what did I do to you? "

Jiang Siyou opened his mouth, but made no sound.

Her eyes were at a loss. After a long time, a strong hatred suddenly burst out.

She turns her head and stares at Ye Xingbei. She says in a hate voice: "you made me marry Huang Siyuan! I went to beg you, please help me! You have the ability to save me and prevent Huang Siyuan from marrying me, but you want to see me marry Huang Siyuan! I know that you hate me, so you want me to marry Huang Siyuan and be tortured by him! Ye Xingbei, you are so cruel! You are not human, you are animal

She turned her face to look at Gu Junzhu again and yelled: "are you blind? Why do you like such a vicious woman? She can save me, but she won't save me. Her heart is black, and she is a snake. Aren't you afraid that she will do the same to you one day? "

Ye Xingbei couldn't help laughing, "Jiang Siyou, you are so interesting! It has been six years since we met each other. In the past six years, you have done me countless harm, and you have never done anything good to me. Yes, I have the ability to save you, and I won't let you marry Huang Siyuan, but you give me a reason, why should I save you? "

Jiang Siyou turned around and glared at her and yelled, "if you don't help yourself, you're a bad person. You should die!"

"And you?" Ye Xingbei picks an eyebrow to look at her: "I am a bad person if I don't save myself. I'll die. You hurt me again and again. What are you? What should you do? "

"I didn't..." Jiang Siyou shook his head. "I didn't hurt you I didn't... "

"It's no use if you don't admit it. The fact is right in front of you," said Ye Xingbei. "The little tree is just outside. How did you and Bai Mengluan put the little tree into my arms at the beginning? It's my life and Yenan's life to slander the little tree. Have you forgotten?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!